°~《Chapter Seventeen》~°

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Laying eggs was definitely different than childbirth. It probably wasn't as painful, though it wasn't something I wanted to explain in detail.

I wasn't sure who was more surprised to find two tiny eggs in the sand tray the next morning. Of course I was the one who put them there, but that didn't really mean a whole lot to my mental state.

I placed them there the night before and Tuskon woke up a little panicked to find them. Seeing him panicked only made me panicked.

I was a little scared that my dreams with Dan would just be dreams. Thankfully, these eggs proved they weren't.

It was a good thing Tuskon woke up early since he had to find something to safely transfer the eggs in. Though that did take quite a bit of time. I didn't mind him holding them or tucking them safely into a heated box mainly because I wasn't sure I trusted myself with them.

They were tiny and fragile and I thought they were simply adorable.

We were almost late to board the ship because of that minor delay. The spacecraft practically left right as the door shut behind us.

We had a neat little cabin room like before and the colors looked fabulous. The rich dark browns swirled around the room like brownie batter with lighter browns thrown in like caramel highlights. Whatever materials they used for this ship, I loved it.

When we were both settled, Tuskon set the two tiny eggs inside the sand tray under the heat lamp for me. I wasn't sure what was wrong with my instincts, but I just didn't want to leave them alone for a second.

I was given a bit more food before Tuskon decided to sit down and call Marcy. There was quite a bit to catch her up on. But until we were back home, I was content on taking a warm nap under the lamp.

* * *

I had yet another dreamless sleep before I started to wake up to distant alarms. It reminded me of all the annoying wake up calls I had when I was still in school.

I shuffled my scales in an attempt to get comfy only to remember the tiny lumps that lay underneath me. Using my nose, I turned them both over before blowing some fire to heat up the sand around them.

Looking around, I couldn't see Tuskon anywhere. It was my guess that he went to find out what the alarm was for.

I only had to wait for a few more moments before I received any kind of answer. The room around me started to shake as objects started falling off shelves and tables.

I stood up to better ground myself as I tried to think of what this might be. I remembered earthquakes being similar to this, though being in space ruled that out. I also recalled airplane turbulence being like this as well, though I also wasn't sure if that was the case.

The situation only got worse when the gravity started getting weaker. I grabbed both of my eggs and jumped towards Tuskon's stuff, using my wings to assist me to my target.

The safe box was luckily easy to find as it turned out to be in one of the pockets of the shirt he wore earlier. There also seemed to be another small object in the same pocket. Though because of my lack of time, I preferred to check it out later.

However, now that I found the safe box, I had to find some way to get it open. Just like everything else made by the Kymari, I couldn't figure out how it worked.

Things were still falling to the floor, but at a much slower rate now that the gravity was progressively failing. Now that I thought about it, gravity failing was definitely not a good sign. I needed Tuskon to get back pronto.

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