°~《Chapter Six》~°

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My head felt heavy as I finally woke up. There was no possible way for me to tell how much time had passed while I was out.

My throat was sore as I chirped, "Dan?"

I got a reply immediately, "Aspen, how are you feeling?"

"Where are you?"

Dan playfully nudged my shoulder, "I'm right here. I was by your side every chance I could get."

I rested my head on my hands, "My throat is as dry as a desert. I could really use something to drink."

Dan stood up and I could hear something being pushed closer to me. "Here's some water. Don't worry about me, and drink as much as you'd like."

I took his invitation and downed the refreshment. "What happened?"

His voice was a whisper. "You were hit by one of the Kymari's flying shuttles. They didn't see you until it was too late. You luckly didn't receive any broken bones, but your less than graceful landing gave you quite a few cuts and took your back scales clean off. From what I heard, they should grow back after a while though."

"Where are we now?"

"We're in Tuskon's home. That's the name of the Kymari we've been following. It turns out he has a mate, but I don't know her name yet."

I lifted my head to face Dan. "You weren't hurt were you?"

He laid down to wrap his wing gently over my back, "And make you worry? Never!"

I smiled and rested my head once again. The taste of painkillers was evident in my mouth. "Good. I don't know what I'd do without you."

* * *

The sound of Kymari voices woke me up. The painkillers in the water were starting to wear off and Dan was still beside me allowing me to stay calm as I lifted my head to check my surroundings. I clicked a few times to get a clear view of what was around me.

I had a fairly good idea of what it all looked like but the image Dan sent through the mindlink a moment later made things a whole lot easier.

We were laying in a tray of sand underneath a heat lamp. The angle of the image revealed us to be in a corner of a fairly large living room with multiple pieces of furniture, gadgets, and weapons all over the place. It basically looked like an organized mess and, interestingly, reminded me of myself.

Tuskon and his mate were sitting and talking on a couch on the other side of the room. They must have turned their attention over to us when they heard my clicks.

Tuskon's companion spoke up, "The male looks much more observant than his mate. She's barely even looking around."

"She's never gotten close and has always kept her distance. The male is the one who comes up to me and brings back the berries for them both to share. They both take off before I'm able to get any closer to her. Yesterday was the first time they decided to follow me into the city. Now that she's awake, it would be a good time to feed her."

"Has the male eaten anything yet?"

"I've been feeding him little bits here and there but he just refuses to leave his mate's side. I'm beginning to wonder if there's something else wrong with the female to make them act like this."

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