°~《Chapter Sixteen》~°

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I woke up when I heard my name being called. Tuskon held out his hand as he stood by the door waiting for me. I took a few seconds to quickly stretch out on the pillow before flying to his clenched fist.

It really hadn't been that long since we arrived, but it still felt like forever. The environment around this planet was completely throwing me off and putting me on edge making it just that much worse.

It was finally time to get my eyes fixed and I couldn't help but feel extremely nervous.

The first step was to actually get there. But that meant walking through the stinky building. So many aliens were still there; Standing. Watching. Waiting for something.

I stayed in the comfort of Tuskon's arms until we were past everything and out of the building. I didn't like it here. It was too loud and too strange.

Thankfully, I was a lot calmer now than I was this morning. Feeling brave, I climbed onto his shoulder to observe my surroundings once again. The buildings here weren't as tall as the ones on Earth. There was, however, quite a few more stalls and businesses with many different aliens working them. Their echo signatures sent foreboding waves that palpitated down my versicolored back to the very tip of my tail.

Eyes followed us as we passed. I was still shivering with anxiety, but I tried to cover it up with a continuous low growl. There was a small part of me that wanted to deal with my problems by tearing them to shreds, though I really didn't want to get onto anyone's bad side; especially the Kymari's. I shoved that dark thought far into the corner of my mind.

We walked for a while as Tuskon peered at some of the stalls we came by. He bought only one object, but pocketed it immediately obscuring it from view. As we approached the denser buildings, I received far fewer looks as we strode passed. There also seemed to be a lot more Kymari around this area as well. The only downside of coming deeper into the city, that I could tell, were the materials the buildings were made out of. Just like on Earth, the echo signatures came back shaky and sloppy.

I could remember my walks I took as a human. I would ignore everyone and they would ignore me. Those were simpler times. Now it was impossible to take a few dollars and a water bottle to walk twenty minutes to an ice cream shop. I wasn't sure if the Kymari had some form of ice cream, but if they did, I was definitely going to get my hands on it. Though, I wasn't sure if I could even eat ice cream in this form. That would just have to be another hurdle to jump when I get there.

I was pulled from my thoughts as Tuskon entered a building, bringing the change in temperature to my attention. With a firm shake of my scales, I adjusted to the atmosphere and walked behind Tuskon's neck to stand on his other shoulder. He didn't react to anything I did, but I could smell that he was nervous about something. He probably wasn't as nervous as me though. I was finally able to put on a brave face, but my insides were still screaming at me to die. Silently, I was glad the general mind link didn't reach this far for my anxiety to leek through. Though, I wonder if they could hear me if I screamed loud enough...

We walked deeper into the building and soon came to a room that smelled strangely magnetic. The only relevant memory that came to mind was the multiple times I had to stop tiny kids from eating a whole box of magnets. Now that I look back at it, those kids could have died if it wasn't for me. It's a shame they're all dead now anyway.

I clicked and observed my surroundings to find the room to be pretty bare apart from a large machine and another Kymari. I was pretty confident that it was this exact machine that was going to restore my eyesight. It was a little intimidating though.

"Place her in and we'll get started." I turned my head towards the other Kymari. His voice sounded deeply bored.

Tuskon walked forward and lifted his hand up to my level. I knew what he wanted, but I was still a little nervous. I've never had surgery in my life, let alone something like this. Acting oblivious, I licked a few of his fingers.

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