Chapter 1: For the Longest Time

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Yuri's POV:

  Deep breaths, I had to remind myself. Take deep breaths before something vulgar escapes your mouth, deep breaths. Natsuki is glaring at me, see I completely forgotten what insult she had spat at me. I smiled sitting down in my desk. Going to continue reading my book. Natsuki stomped her foot her expression was irritated.
  "Hello? Earth to Yuri? Anyone home in there?" She waved her hand in front of my face. I blushed involuntarily and yelped in surprise. That was the last thing I expected her to do.
  "W-what?" I stammered tugging my fingers through my hair nervously.
   "Jeeze dummy, get a clue" she spits venomous like, then she storms away. Back to her closet with the manga. Sometimes I fantasize about being loved by Natsuki as much as she loved her manga...but I  then always stop myself  realizing I shouldn't think such thoughts because obviously Natsuki hated me. Everything I did and said did nothing but offend her. I twirled a lock of my hair forelornly and sighed to myself.  Whenever Natsuki and I fought I usually fired back purely on instinct, which only fueled the fire for her hatred. It's not like I was a hard person to hate. I mean I already hated myself so what's another person? The whole club probably hated me.
  "Yuri?!" Sayori's chipper tone broke me from my thoughts. She was grinning at me excitedly. Her bright blue eyes were twinkling like the brightest of jewels.
   "Y-yes?" Had I done something wrong again? God what was wrong with me? Why couldn't I be normal? Sayori is bouncing around my desk now.
   "I said I'm bringing my old friend Marcos Chance to the club tomorrow! Though he perfers to be called MC now for whatever reason. I just thought I'd give you a heads up!" She giggled and I smiled, relaxing slightly. It would be good to have another member even if he was a boy.
  "That sounds wonderful Sayori." I smiled hopefully kindly at her and she beamed once more. She looked so pleased with herself.
   "I'm so so excited!" She squealed and then twirled over to Monika.

'see no one can talk to you for longer than they need to'

I lowered my head back into my book, because it was true, I was nothing more than a weird sick freak. The pocket knife in my pocket buzzed with anticipation. It felt warm against my thigh. As if telling me that it was waiting to reunite with my bloodstream. I reached into my pocket feeling it between my fingertips. Soon. Club was almost over. I needed to relieve a lot of stress today. I look harder at my book trying to concentrate. Words look at the words.
  "Do you ever listen to me?!" Natsuki spat and I jumped dropping my book with a startled Yelp. I sigh as it skitted across the floor.
  "S-sor-ry I was...r-reading." I stuttered pulling my hair in front of my face, I'm sure it was bright red too. I'm so awkward.
  "Yeah I got that from the book in front of your face genius!" She snapped and I twirled my hair more. I really needed to leave soon. My heart is beating rappidly. I could hear each beat echoing within my ears.

'why can't you talk normal? You're so stupid?!'

I suck in a shaky breath. Lowering my head. Today was not a good day. It just wasn't.
   "I' I have to go I'll see you all tomorrow!" I jumped up from my desk swinging my backpack onto my shoulder and I stumbled for the door.
  "Bye bye Yuri! See you tomorrow!" Sayori chirped and I  forced a smile and a slight wave, before I threw open the classroom door and raced out into the hallway.
  "Wait Yuri!" Natsuki called and I pretended not to hear as I dashed down the hallway. I just had to make it to my car. Then I could go home and try to forget today. I fingered the knife in my pocket. Forget it all.

To be continued...
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