Chapter 2: Walk On

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  Yuri's POV:

Today was a new day! I thought to myself as I started towards the clubroom. I'd get through the literature club without zoning out! I'd be brave. Besides the school day had been fairly uneventful no one knocked my books out of my hands today, I wasn't called on by the teacher, no one took my book and threw it, I only went to the bathroom to relieve myself once and the only bad thing was I lost my novel. School had been good. I felt confident! Well....almost confident. I was excited to try. I quickly pushed open the door and started into the room. Great it was just Natsuki. She looked up from her manga.
  "Oh, Yuri hi!" She exclaimed and I blinked was I hearing things? Was I dreaming? Maybe that's why today had been so good.
   "H-hi N-nat-su-kk-kki" so much for confidence...can you blame me her uncharacteristically nice behavior was throwing me off. She reached into her backpack. Giving me a hold on gesture.
   "Hi everyone!" Monika greeted cheerfully and I jumped spinning around to see her excited expression. She straightened her uniform and sat her bag on the nearest desk. "Isn't it exciting you guys?!" She exclaimed clasping her hands together. Natsuki rolled her eyes putting her hands on her hips.
   "What's gotten you so excited?!" She demanded, her kind demeanor obviously forgotten as she suddenly appeared next to me. I jumped in surprise. Monika giggled softly at my reaction so swiftly I made my way through the desk rows and sat down on the desk in the middle.  I stared at my arms through my curtain of hair, oh how I wish I knew where my novel went.
   "Sayori is bringing her friend today!" Monika explained and Natsuki scoffed.
   "Is that why she demanded I make her cupcakes?" Natsuki questioned irritably. Monika shrugged.
   "Honestly knowing Sayori she probably just asked you because she wanted cupcakes." Monika giggled.
  "Hey that's not true!" Sayori pouted good naturedly as she pulled a boy into the clubroom after herself. "I was trying to make MC feel welcomed!" She murmured before releasing his hand and looking around good naturedly.
   "They're in the closet." Natsuki rolled her eyes once more. "Did you have to bring a boy?! Way to kill the atmosphere Sayori!" She grumbled huffing towards the closet.
   "I can get them if you want!" Sayori offered and Natsuki scoffed.
   "I made them I'll get them!" She snapped. I stood from my chair starting over to MC, he was talking to Monika, introducing himself.
   "Honestly it's not set in stone. I don't know if I'm going to be staying!" He spat and I frowned that wasn't very nice. He said something rude about Sayori and Monika frowned. Sayori laughed and smiled.
   "I'm.... Yuri." I whisper knowing how much it meant to Sayori and Monika that he feel welcomed enough to stay. He smiled at me, he blushed. Uh oh.
   "I'm MC nice to meet you!" He expressed a little too excitedly, I fiddled with my hair.
   "W-what do you usually l-like to read?" I asked and he looked confused. Did he know this was a literature club?
   "Manga usually." He smirked and I frowned. Why did everyone like manga so much?!
   "Oh." I murmured and he scratched the back of his neck, obviously trying to please me he leaned close.
   "What do you like to read?"his expression was eager, no one had ever looked at me like that. Not even my parents.
   "I like-" I went on about how I like complex novels then horror novels and he floundered for a response.
   "Yeah yeah I've read a horror book once!" He exclaimed and I nodded kindly.
   "What was it called?" I asked without a stutter, he was easy to talk to. Suprisingly enough. He went beet red.
   " was a long time I don't really-" I nodded my understanding. I wasn't in a position to judge anyone.
  "U-understood. I'm j-just weird and remember every book I read in detail" I smiled and he blushed again.
  "I don't think so...I mean you seem nice and normal to me-" he stuttered and a blush of embarrassment filled my face.
   "Not to break this up but I've got the cupcakes now, not that you two would care. Since you've been ignoring everyone else in the room!" Natsuki growled as she slammed the cupcakes down on a desk. She was probably angry I was hogging MC to myself.
   "S..s..or-ry" I murmured and she turned away from me. So much for today being a good day. Now Natsuki obviously was mad at me. Monika and Sayori just looked shocked, probably from me talking so much. I don't think I'd ever talked that much in the clubroom ever. Or in general really. I blushed feeling like a fool.

'you are a fool, a stupid worthless fool!'

I slowly retreated into my hair, letting it cover my vision as I retreated back to my desk burrying my face in my notebook, trying to make it look like I was doing something.
   "What're you doing?" MC questioned appearing next to me and I startled having not seen his approach. I forced a small smile.
   "Oh... it's a poem.. I um...wrote.."I stuttered and he beamed.
   "Can I read it?" I swiftly shut my notebook.
   "No!" He looked heartbroken, "I uh mean..I'm not... comfortable with..." Suddenly Monika jumped up from her conversation with Sayori, who was hungrily eating her third cupcake.
   "Idea what if we all shared poems every day. That way we would be able to practice our skills and gain more experience!" She exclaimed and my heart  plummeted.
   "I'm n-not comfortable with-"
   "Don't worry Yuri we'll all be sharing!" She smiled and I knew she already had her mind set on this so I smiled weakly.
   "Okay then." I tried and Monika clasped her hands behind her back and winked.
   "That includes you too MC!" She exclaims and he frowns.
   "Hold on I never agreed to join!" He snaps and I frown, but...was he flirting with me for nothing. Monika and Sayori look heartbroken. He sighs softly.
  "B-but..." Sayori wrings her hands and why does Natsuki look happy? Before I can question it further MC groans overly loud and dramatic.
   "Alright I guess I'll join." He relents and Sayori cheers and Monika let's out a breath of relief, she sure wanted  new members badly. Natsuki scowled. I managed a wry smile.
   "Okay bring your poems tomorrow!"

I'm doomed.

To Be Continued....

So I've kind of made MC the bad guy so to speak. He's majorly obsessive with Yuri and he's going to stir up trouble between the girls. Thanks to all that have read this so far and don't forget to comment and vote

Thanks and you're the best!

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