Chapter 13: Listen Carefully

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Natsuki's POV:

"Natsuki?" Yuri whispered and I wanted to seep through the floor boards. Her expression was pained as she looked at me. Like intently looked at me, as if she could see the damage I was trying to cover.
"Y-yuri.." had we switched roles suddenly. I just felt so guilty. I should've found some way to get a hold of her. She must've been so worried.

Lila eyes us with uncertainty before she returns to Monika's side. Monika instinctively reaches out laying her head in Lila's lap. Lila works through Monika's hair with her fingers.

"Natsuki may I speak to you outside?" Yuri huffs, but I can see the anger passionately burning within her deep purple eyes. I gulp ,but manage a weak nod. God I was in so much pain, standing only worsened the affect. My knees quivered, knocking against one another. I followed the incredibly tall girl out the door. She shut Monika's door before she turned her attention to me.... oh boy.

  "Yuri, I'm sorry for ignoring your messages and calls...I just got into an... argument with my dad.. " Yuri's expression is dark and I don't know what to do or say. I feel so lost. Yuri looks at the ground bitterly.

  "Why did you scream?" She murmured softly eyes looking at her shoes. I frown. Had I?
  "What?" I whispered and her eyes snapped up to my face.
   "Why did you scream?" She demanded and I licked my dry lips.

  "I was ...probably.. just angry ...with my dad..." That sounded believe able right? Monika's words were circling around my brain.

I've seen the way you look at her. And I've seen the way she looks at you.

Yuri's contemplating my words. Her eyebrows are furrowed in deep concentration.
   "What did I say in the last text I sent?" She asked eyes fierce and unwavering.
   "I donno...I didn't look...I'm sorry.." I tried and she threw up her hands angrily.
   "You're such an awful liar!" She growled, crossing her arms as she retreated into her hair, it covered her eyes and nose. But her mouth was set in a firm line.

   "I'm not lying!" I  mean technically I didn't get to read the messages or the phone calls. I feel the desire to touch Yuri. Take her hands in mine. But no. She doesn't like me, she can't...Monika is  crazy, she doesn't know what she's talking about.

  Tearfully Yuri swipes at her eyes before she brushes her hair back and stares at me.
  "You know you don't always have to be the tough one. Our friendship is a two way street. If you want me...I'm here..." Her expression is pained and filled with longing. I close the gap between us and wrap her in a tight hug.

  "Thank you. No one has ever been there for me. I promise I'm safe." It's a dark and ugly lie, but if it keeps Yuri oblivious and safe, then so be it. Yuri's arms snake around my form and she softly cries into my hair. Her whole body is shaking.
   "Promise me that you are being serious...that you're telling me the truth." She whimpered and I  pulled away. I  looked into her violet eyes and sighed.

   "I can't do that... because it would be...a lie..." I whisper, I had never told anyone this. Not even back when it started when my mother was on her death bed.  Yuri tilted her head, looking at me curiously. I raked a hand through my untamed hair. I hadn't had time for my usual pigtails, it was down and in my face.

   "Hey, I'm here for you." She tentively reached out and took my hand in hers. Tears escaped my eyes and trailed down my cheeks. I watched Yuri frown her other hand reached out brushing against my cheek. Her eyes widened in horror. I already knew what she was seeing. She had rubbed my makeup off.  "N-nat-su-kk-kki w-wha-t h-hap-pend?"

I shake my head, this is what I had been telling Monika. Nobody should ever want to be me. Nobody should ever care for me. I forced a smile, one that made the bruises on my face burn.
   "My dad and I had a fight." I hate the quiver in my voice. Hate how weak I sound. How cute. Yuri looks horrified even further as tears trickle down her beautiful face. "He doesn't like me much..." I try to make it sound playful but the crack at the end of my words gives me away.

  Yuri wraps me in a tight embrace, I'm pressed against her chest. I can barely see, barely breathe, but it feels like heaven. Her hands brush against my waist and neck. I shivered. Then Yuri pulled away. I flashed her a grin and she smiled. Suddenly I was over come with emotion, just as Sayori opened the door I grabbed the front of Yuri's sweater and crushed my lips to hers.

To Be Continued...

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