Chapter 22: Get OUT

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Natsuki's POV:
TW: some mentions of abuse and violence

"How did the doctors not know you are allergic to Penicillin?" I asked in confusion as Yuri pouted in her hospital bed.
"No idea, but I'm eighteen years old, I should be able to go if I want." She grumbled and I smirked at her obvious annoyance at her mom and dad demanding she stay another night for observation.

"Well it couldn't hurt right?" I reasoned and she glared at me bitterly.
"Natsuki, I'm not sick...I just want to go home. " She complained and I couldn't help but smile. I was somewhat grateful she didn't remember me telling her about my abusive dad or anything.

"Yeah well you should be sleeping. Recuperating. I mean you do have amnesia." I reminded her and she sighed studying my face intently.
"What did MC mean when he said your dad beats you?" I was going to strangle that dude. I looked away from her face... Certainly she wouldn't like me anymore if she knew... especially now without her memories.

"It's MC, obviously he's a liar." I shake my head, trying to look amused. Yuri's frown deepens.
"Natsuki I don't -"

"Hey yurinator!" Her brother blessed his soul burst into the room, carrying a box of chocolates. I let out a sigh of relief. Yuri didn't look pleased at all. Especially when her parents joined the room.
"How are you feeling baby girl?" Her dad asked followed by her mom.
"Any discomforts sweetheart?" Her mom sat on the bed next to Yuri and brushed Yuri's hair from her face.

I stood from my chair next to her bed, grateful for the distraction.
"I'm going to go check on Sayori and Monika." I whisper and Yuri looked ready to object when her dad handed her, portrait of Markov, her favorite book. I smiled to myself swiftly making my exit.

I started down the hallway and up two flights of stairs to the psych ward where Monika was. I walked down the hallway a ways before I stopped at her closed door and knocked swiftly.
"Come in." Her voice sounded defeated. Without hesitation I opened the door swiftly. I carefully pushed the curtain away and stepped into the dull room. Monika was glaring at the ceiling, her sister and Sayori were nowhere in sight.
"Hey.... Everything okay in here?" I whisper, though why I was whispering I don't think I'll ever know. Monika looked down at me, her eyes saddened.
"I messed everything up, they've left me...I'm such a screw up...I'm all alone...I don't like being alone." I had unleashed the dam. I rushed to Monika's side as she began to sob.

"What happened?!" I demanded taking her hand, she was trying to tell me something. However she was far too hysterical for me to understand a word of it. "Monika..." I shushed her and she looked up at me sadly. "Shh hey, calm down... Monika...Monika it's okay. Breathe." I encouraged and she exhaled loudly.

"I'm...woke....gone...all ..alone..." She blubbered crying sadly once more. I gently brought her into an very awkward friend hug. I wasn't good at comforting people. Especially when you had a messed up father like I did. The only hugs I got were from my oldest and one of my only friends Sayori. Even they were one sided.

"Hey Mon... Don't cry..." I attempted comfort once more and Monika clung to me all of the pain and regrets from her parents abandoning her and her attempt finally crashing down on her in waves.
"I... failure...I can't ...parents don't...don't...want me anymore..." She sobbed her hands clutching the back of my shirt with all her strength.
"You're not a failure. Parents suck anyways who needs them." I grumbled thinking of my Papa and how furious he without a doubt was. I hadn't been home in like four days. He was going to kill me. I tightened my hold on Monika.

"But...I thought they...they cared ..." She sniffed and I pulled back leaning on my palms and my comfort stopped and I felt jealous.
"Yeah well you have Lila, some people don't have siblings or anything to depend on. Some people are all alone." I whisper and Monika's eyes flashed with pain. Her hand reached out resting her shaking hand upon my shoulder.
"Natsuki is everything okay at home?" She whispered softly and I smirked, the mask falling into place.
"I'm fine." I insist and she frowns unconvinced.

"WHERE ARE YOU YOU BITCH!!!!" My dad's voice booms through the hallway and my smile falls and heart stops. Tears start escaping my eyes and my breathing was erratic. How was he here? How'd he find me?
"Oh God.. oh God...oh God..." I grabbed fistfuls of my hair and shook my head frantically. Monika stood from the bed starting from the room.
"NATSUKI YOU BITCH!!! GET OUT HERE! YOU CAN'T HIDE! DO YOU HERE ME BITCH YOU CANT HIDE!" he was drunk...drunk off his ass. I had to get him out of here. I quickly surged past my fragile friend.
"Monika you can't go out there!" I exclaimed frantically as I grabbed her shoulders trying to relay how important it was that she stay put.
"Natsuki!" She whispered softly in concern and I shoved out the door, I saw him storming from the front desk, stumbling and knocking into walls and carts. My lip was trembling.
Especially when his cold black eyes fixated on me.

"YOU BITCH!" He roared charging towards me and I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact. Suddenly I was shoved behind someone. I felt her soft hand encircle mine and smelled her sweet fragrance of Jasmine oil.
"Do. Not. Touch. my. Friend." A loud smack filled the hallway and my jaw dropped.
"Yuri!" I screamed

To be continued...

Hey guys so sorry for the wait I had phone issues and such and Wattpad was forgotten for awhile. So apologies for the wait. However as this book draws to a close I have a question.

My next DDLC book...should it be a Monika x Sayori or Natsuki x Yuri???

Let me know in the comments which you would prefer? Because I have an idea that could work for either couple.

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