Chapter 9: Stop

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Natsuki POV:

TW: self harm, suicidal

Ugh why wasn't Yuri answering her door?! Why why why? It was Sunday! We were supposed to meet up here and then head to MCs place. She wouldn't have...she didn't..anger and rejection coursed through my veins. She probably did!

She probably only wanted to work with me so she could make sure I wouldn't blab her secret. How dare she ditch me! How dare she think I'd be so shallow as to tell every Tom Dick and Harry about her dark secret. I thought we were finally becoming friends if not acquaintances.

I stomped my foot in irritation and pressed the doorbell once more. Unbelievable! Outrageous! I rang the doorbell again! Holding my thumb down on it so it just pealed loudly throughout her house. Come on Yuri!! What the actual heck!!!

Regretibly I yanked my phone from my pocket. I swiped the lock screen and hit the contacts app. I scrolled down to the M's. I swear to God if she was with MC.... I exhaled roughly and hit his contact. It was my only m contact, besides max from the manga store that I had.

It rang twice before MC answered.
"Hey Natsuki when are you and Yuri going to get here?" Well that answered my question. I huffed banging on the door again.
"Soon." I hoped and he sighed.
"Well hurry we're kind of cut on time." Was that a joke? Did he know.
"Whatever MC." I hung up quickly and worry filled me.

What if something happened to her? What if she was cutting and went too far? What if she was lying bloody bleeding out on her bathroom floor? Oh God why was my imagination so vivid and wild? I pounded against the locked door.

   "Yuri come on answer me!" I begged feeling my heart beat speed up. Why wasn't she answering me?!
   "Hi there Natsuki dear." Yuri's mom smiled  at me as she slammed her car door. How long had she been standing there. When had she pulled up.
  "Hi." I murmured softly as I looked back to the door hoping Yuri would open it or something would happen. "Is something the matter?" She questioned shifting the bag of groceries she was holding to her other arm. I hesitated, did I rat her out to her mom...she left me waiting so maybe a little bit.

   "It's just I was supposed to meet Yuri here, we have stuff to do with our club. We were going to go to our club mate MCs place but...she's not answering the door or her phone...I'm kindof worried...she's not at MCs either .." I murmured and winced at Lily's pale skin and wide eyes.
   "S-shes not answering?" She murmured and I nodded. Suddenly my arms were full of her grocery bags as she put her key in the lock and shoved the door open.

She yanked the groceries from me, dialing Yuri's number as she raced to the kitchen.
"Yuri!" I yelled racing up to her room. I knocked once then shoved open her door. Empty. I walked to her bathroom twisting the doorknob I pull it open empty though the smell of bleach stings my nose.

  I slam the door and stomp my foot.
"N-nat-su-kk-kki?" Yuri whispered and I frowned what the heck. I scan the empty room and nothing. I get down on my hands and knees an idea coming to me.  I peer under her bed and see her tearful face looking back at me.
   "Yuri you dummy! You scared the hell out of me!" I snapped and she looked down pulling her comforter around herself tightly.
   "I'm s-sor-ry ...I'm sorry for what you saw....I'm sorry I'm so disgusting-" I shook my head feverishly as I crawled under her bed. Our faces we're inches apart.
   "Yuri, it's not okay what you're doing, it's dangerous but you're not disgusting. Never. And for the record until you are ready to tell people your secret is safe with me." I smiled.
  "Its not okay, I just...ever since my brother died... feeling that blade run across my ...." She looks away so I grab her chin turning her back around.
   "Yuri I'll help you. You don't have to do this alone anymore." I whisper
   "Y-you pr-om-mise?" She whispered and I nodded admanatly. She opened her hand and dropped the knife to the floor. I quickly took the weapon rolling out from under the bed and placing it on the dresser. Yuri followed suit. Her expression was guarded. I had to find some way to get her to trust me.

   "Heck yes I promise, in fact I swear on my manga collection that I won't tell a soul, that I'll help you." I smiled and Yuri let out a breath of relief. "Though we should probably go before MC blows a gasket." She laughed and I cringed."and I sort of freaked out your" Yuri groaned playfully.
  "T-thankyou N-nat-su-kk-kki."


  "Bye MC!" We called, I felt awful leaving Sayori with him, but Yuri insisted. She whispered softly that they needed some time alone. I frowned did Sayori ditch Monika?

     I shuffled the three trays of cupcakes and walked alongside Yuri. She giggled as I struggled to keep up with her freakishly long legs. Everything was great, then my phone buzzed. I carefully pulled it from my pocket. Yuri steadied the trays with her hands and I opened the message from Papa.

"Natsuki?" Yuri whispered softly and I looked up, tears spilling out of my eyes. I never cried...but I was terrified.
   "I-i I have to go!" I shoved the tray of cupcakes into Yuri's arms and took off down the street. Dreading what was waiting me at home. "M-make sure those get to the festival in case I don't!"

To be continued...
Sorry for the wait! Also sorry it's kind of crappy but Monika was messing with Wattpad and kept deleting the chapter. 😂😂😂

Anyway I hope you like the chapter!!

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