Chapter 5: I'll be There For You

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TW: self harm

Yuri's POV:

It hurt so much, but felt so good. Just the ability to winddown and forget how awful today was. There's a knock on my bathroom door that startles me. The knife drops from my hand. Shoot shoot shoot.
"Yuri, baby girl you okay in there?" My dad calls through the door and I quickly scoop the knife up dropping it into my pocket as I hastily wrap toilet paper around the wound so it won't seep through my pajama sleeve. I thought they weren't going to be home until midnight!!!
"Yuri!" My mom's knocks are louder and more frantic as she jiggles the door knob. I yank my sleeve down and fumble with the door knob. I unlock the door and my mom nearly tumbles into the room. Her hands frame my face. "What were you doing? Why didn't you answer me?" Her eyes are bearing into mine and I struggle with an answer.
"I'm sorry I just got out of the s-shower, there was water in my ears...I dropped the toothbrush cup." I murmured, it was the only other metal thing in the bathroom. My mom analyzes my face. Probably mulling over my story. Finally after an incredibly uncomfortable showdown she breaks her stare and wraps her arms around me.
"Love you so much baby." She murmurs, her hand combing through my hair.

It always confused me how they had this different tone with me but in a courtroom they were all stern and business like..which wasn't suprising, them being lawyers and whatnot... However I can't help but think
they weren't always this way... Not since what happened.... I smiled returning the hug as enthusiastically as I could manage...knowing because of that time I had to be understanding.

"Have a good night sleep kiddo." My dad ruffled my hair ,when my mom finally released me. I smiled at him as he hugged me fiercely.
"Goodnight" I murmured before quickly racing for my room. That was too close.


"Ow!" I hissed as Mako the main tormentor in my life grabbed my wrist and twisted my notebooks from my hands.
"Aw does that hurt? Maybe you should've done a better job at keeping your face out of my line of sight!" He growled and I bit my lip to stop it from quivering.
"I-i'm s-sor-ry!" I whimpered wishing this to be over. I mean sure I was a good foot taller than Mako but he was intimidating. I didn't want to hurt his feelings.
"Sorry's not good enough worthless bitch!"he snarled slamming me into the lockers. I balled my hands up and pressed them against my eyes. Wishing, wanting begging for it to go away. To be over.
   "Maybe we should get rid of the novel loving weirdo!" One of his friends chuckled. Tears were starting to seep through my fists. I hope they'd make it quick.
   "Let's dump her backpack again!" Another suggested with a laugh. Oh please make it quick.
   "You're so pathetic Yuri!" Mako yelled I could feel his breath on my face as I whimpered. "You know I don't think there's a person in the world who would care if you just killed yourself!" He snarled and I sniffed. He was right.
   "Someone sure is fluent in lies and bullshit as usual." I frowned, no it couldn't be. It wasn't...
   "N-nat-su-kk-k-kki, we weren't.....I wasn't.... Yuri was just-" Mako was floundering, I'd never heard him sound so scared ever. Still it could be a trick so I kept my mouth shut and my eyes closed.
  "Thanks for reminding me why I can't stand you Mako. Now you and your little group of morons better pickup those tails that are trailing between your legs and get lost!" She growled and I kept my eyes shut, she'd probably want me gone too. I heard their sneakers scuffing against the linoleum floor with various squeaks. I felt a hand on my arm.
   "I'll do whatever you want, your homework or..." I sniffed feeling trapped.
   "Thanks but I'm pretty sure I'm not an idiot, I can do my own homework." Natsuki chuckled and I chanced looking down at her, trying to blink the tears from my eyes. Why would she help me, I had been awful to her?

'She probably pities you and your pathetic face!'

I couldn't stop my lip from quivering "Hey, you're safe now. If they know what's good for them they'll stay away." Natsuki whispered her tone was gentle and she placed a hand on my wrist and I flinched. I'm sure they had opened a wound. I needed to get out of here before it bled through. "hey are you okay? Did they hurt you?" I shook my head tucking my wrist behind my back.
   "I-I'm s-sor-ry-"  I tried and she scoffed tilting her head to the side.
   "Sorry for what? Being bullied?" She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at me skeptically. "How long have they been doing that?!" She added and I frowned.
   "As long as I can-" I frowned I had said too much, why was I always so stupid. I ran some fingers through my hair trying to cover my blushing face. "Nevermind forget I said anything." I whimpered tugging on my sleeve as I started backing up.
   "Hey hold on a second." She stopped down picking up my notebooks from the ground and held them out to me. Slowly I reached for them. "You are bleeding! They did hurt you!" Natsuki exclaimed and I looked down at my wrist. Blood was seeping through the cloth.
Shoot shoot shoot shoot.

  "I'm fine!" I whispered taking the notebooks I shoved them into my bag.  Natsuki doesn't look convinced.
   "I may be short but I'm not a moron Yuri, I can see the blood. Let me help you." I shook my head. If she saw...if she found no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I can't let that happen. She's just starting to be friendly with me. If she saw what a sick freak I was... She'd hate me, be disgusted with me...I'd lose everything. No.

   "It's fine I'm sure... t-thankyou f-f-or y-y-our c-concern-n-n..." I'm visibly shaking and Natsuki looks even more concerned.
   "Hey, don't freak out. It's okay." She smiles and takes off her bag, I watch with peaked interest  as she digs though it for a moment. "Ha, got it!" She opens her palm holding out a roll of gauze to me. Gingerly I take it, smiling softly.
   "T-thankyou." I murmured and she grins.
   "Don't mention it." She grins her cocky persona having returned as she nods to me. "Seriously though if you tell anyone about me being-"
   "Cute?" I whisper and she looks baffled and blushes as I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "Don't worry it's safe with me." I start to walk away when I speak once more without thinking. "Do you want to have dinner at my house tonight... We could hang out.... My parents are going to be at a court case and I'll be alone...but if you don't I understand.." Natsuki grins.
   "I'll be there."

I can't help but let out a breath of relief as I stick the gauze in my pocket, grinning like mad.
   "See you at five thirty then." I turn strutting away. Today was looking up slightly.
  "Where else would I be Yuri." She snaps but I don't stop grinning. That's just Natsuki.

To Be Continued....

   Why do you think Yuri's parents are so protective? I'd love to hear from you your thoughts on the matter and speculations. Thanks again to all of you for your support and encouragement


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