Chapter 7: Wait I'm Sorry

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Natsuki's POV:

  I smelled like vomit, Yuri was covered in blood. I didn't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I'm shaking, unable to look away. Make myself useful. Yuri could be bleeding out! Still I just sit there. Then suddenly she's up, pulling her sleeves down over the bloody marks and she gently approaches me.
   "N-nat-su-kk-kki..." She murmurs tearfully and I still can't will myself to move or speak. Yuri cuts herself...she hurts long? Why? Haruto. Why had he said such hurtful things to a little girl? Then again the same question could be asked of my own father. "I'm sorry." Yuri whispered and I blinked as she held out a night gown to me.

   Contrary to the shirt she had given me earlier to use as pajamas. The one I had vomited all over myself with. Without waiting for my response Yuri placed the nightgown on the toilet and starts the shower and leaves. She wasn't even going to wrap her arms? Slowly and carefully I removed the tainted shirt and crawled into the shower. Trying to wash away my guilt. Why hadn't I known? Did Monika and Sayori know?

    All those times I called her edgy and much had that hurt her? I distinctly recall telling her she'd cut herself on that edge of her tone... God what was wrong with me? Yuri was struggling and I made a joke out of it. The water burned my skin and I slowly turned it off. I dried myself, placing the soiled shirt into the hamper and carefully opened the door. Yuri was asleep in her bed and I felt awful. I slowly lowered myself back to the floor and curled into a ball. I was already in for it when I went home.

Having not told my dad where I went or what I was doing. It's just when Yuri invited me felt like maybe we could be friends and I didn't want dad to take that away from me.  Eventually the emotional pull of the events from thirty minutes ago weighed down on me and I fell asleep.

   The sunshine woke me from my sleep and I recalled the events from last night. I sat up swiftly and felt my heart drop at the sight of Yuri's empty bed. I could smell bleach as soon as I walked into the bathroom.

    Obviously Yuri had been up early. I glanced at the clock. Crap I had to get to school. I grabbed my shoes and shrugged on my clothes from yesterday. I booked it out of Yuri's room carefully racing down the stairs.


  I sat in the clubroom, pain radiating off my stomach. It hurt whenever I breathed, I should've just went straight home but I had to see Yuri. I had to make sure she was alright. Tears were trying to get out of my eyes but I was staying strong.
   "Natsuki you okay?" Monika questioned breaking my train of thought.
   "I'm fine Monika. Maybe you should check on someone else and leave me alone." I spat, because I could only focus on Yuri right now.
   "Well we're the only ones here!" Monika spat back, suprising me with her tone. She sighed softly and MC walked in.
   "Hey you two what's up?" He asked grinning with that stupid expression he always held.
  "Nothing." Monika and I both spat.
Just as Sayori walked in her expression was pained almost sad. Sayori was never sad... right?  I looked at Monika and her expression softened. However before Monika or I could comfort Sayori MC spoke up.
   "God Sayori look at yourself were you even trying to look decent this morning?" He questioned and both Monika and I gasped at his question. Sayori forced a smile.
   "Ha ha I did try..."
   "Sure doesn't look like it! Your hair is a mess, there's toothpaste stains on your collar and you didn't even button up your blazer! This is why you don't have a boyfriend!" He snapped and my jaw dropped did he seriously just... Sayori looked near tears as she kept her smile.
   "You're so mean MC, I do's just more comfortable this way." She defended herself weakly.
   "Really because I don't think someone who sleeps in every morning and doesn't care enough to even come to school on time-"
"MC that's ENOUGH!" Monika interrupted firmly as Sayori sat down placing her head on the table. I heard a sniff from her and I stood instantly, wrapping my arms around her. Trying to comfort her to the best of my abilities. Yuri walked in, took one look at me and looked ready to run for it. However she shared my compassion for Sayori and when she saw her upset she quickly surged forward.
   "W-what's the matter Sayori?" She asked gently and my heart broke when she didn't look my way.
   "I'm sorry Monika I've known Sayori a lot longer than you so if you would just butt out that would be much appreciated!" MC snapped and Monika looked really really pissed off. Yuri quickly took on sayori's role and gently shoved them apart.
   "Let's not fight anymore alright?" Then Sayori sat up straightened herself and smiled brighter than her previous one.
   "Yuri's right plus we have the festival that's coming up. We'll need to plan for it ...right Monika?" She questioned and Monika remained silent as she glared daggers at MC. "... Monika!" Sayori giggled and Monika looked away and smiled at Sayori.
   "Right and we'll all need to be at our best for it." She looked at MC when she said it before she clasped her hands together and continued. "So Natsuki can you make your cupcakes please?" She asked me forcing a chipper tone. I could tell she was still pissed.
   "Of course I will! No one would even consider our club without it!" I smirked and she nodded. Gah Yuri was still looking anywhere but at me.
   "Excellent so Sayori and I will work on the flyers and posters, Natsuki is working on cupcakes...Yuri is-"
   "I can work on the a-atmosph-ere and make a banner.." she offered softly and Monika grinned looking pleased.
   "Wonderful idea Yuri and MC," she grinded her teeth when she said his name. Remind me never to mess with Sayori in front of her..though it was out of the line what he said to her, " MC can help one of us...but um Sayori and I are already partners so if Natsuki or Yuri want to take him on to help then that's up to you." I groaned the last thing I needed was his "help" while I was trying to bake. Though it would be nice to use his kitchen rather than my own.
   "I-" Yuri cut me off quickly.
   "Natsuki and I are actually going to be working together. So if MC wants to come then he may." I was shocked by her decision.
   "I'll go with you guys then Yuri." MC exclaimed probably afraid of what Monika would do to him, but I had to talk to Yuri privately....ugh boys I just knew he'd ruin the atmosphere! Now Yuri would forever think I hated her. Unless...
   "Great so Yuri and I will walk together to your house on Sunday!" I decided proudly and MC frowned. Yuri cringed. God I hoped this worked.

To be continued....
Hey guys so sorry for the delay I've just been so busy! Hope you like the chapter let me know if you liked it I love to hear your thoughts in the comments!!!!

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