Chapter 19: "I hate her!"

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Yuri's POV:(hours before Natsuki's assult)

I frowned at Sayori, she was literally pacing in front of me. I don't think I'd ever seen her so troubled before.
   "S-sayorri?" I murmured softly as I watched her nervously. She was shaking her head and muttering. It was slightly unsettling. I didn't know what to do or say, or what was happening. I glanced at my arms and cringed. Someone had bandaged them with care and concern. "W-why are you....pacing ?" I finally mustered up some courage and Sayori stopped and looked at me. Like all the sadness in the world shined within her deep blue eyes. It was unsettling to say the least.

   "Because you don't remember anything! Not the day of the festival! Not the day after! You don't remember kissing Natsuki or saving Monika's life. You just don-" I waved my arms wildly as I blushed heavily.
   "W-w-wha-t?" I demanded, kiss Natsuki?! Why on Earth would I ever attempt such a thing.
   "What about what?" Sayori asked and I was physically shaking.
   "Why would I ever...k-kiss N-nat-su-kki? I... I... I hate her!" I added the last part in protection of myself. Sayori glowered at me.

    "No you don't." She challenged and I scoffed glaring at her.
    "Yes I do!" I persisted stubbornly and she crossed her arms.
   "No you don't." She sang song
   "Yes I do Sayori! She's brutish and rude! She called me edgy and bitchy! She told MC I stuff my bra!!! I hate her!" I cry out and Sayori looks startled and I blush fiddling with my hair. "Ah..sorry." I murmured and Sayori smiled at me. "It's just she's always awful..." I tried to explain my outburst.
   "Yuri don't kid yourself. You like Natsuki. I know you do." She exclaimed taking my hands as she smiled brightly.

   "Sayori! Did you convince her yet?" Monika asked coming into the room, her bright green eyes were sunken in and dark circles loomed under them. Her hair was yanked up into a messy bun and a hospital pajamas hung off her body. What happened to Monika?! Bandages marked her shoulders down to her arms and her legs were bandaged as well.

  "Monika, silly you're supposed to be resting! Where's Lila?" Sayori asked smirking happily and Monika smiled starting over to Sayori with a slight limp.
   "She went to look for Natsuki. So Yuri  what are your thoughts on Natsuki?" She deflected the question as she maneuvered around the vice President and sat next to me on the bed, smiling slyly.

  "She's really annoying." I deadpanned and Monika pouted.
   "But not how you think you feel but like your true feelings!" She grabbed my arm and eagerly smiled at me.
   "Those are my true feelings Monika, she feels the same." I snapped and Monika huffed sitting back crossing her arms as she glared at me.

   "I mean Sayori saw her kiss you, then you kissed her at her house and who knows what else, so somewhere deep in that thick skull of yours, you know I'm right." She snapped and I frowned
   "No I don't!" I exclaimed and she let out a growled of frustration as she stood from the bed, gesturing to herself.
  "You think you're some Almighty being?! I've known you since we were seven years old Yuri! You can be a real bitch!" She cried out and Sayori instantly grabbed her shoulder, playing mediator. "You know what happened to me Yuri? I tried to kill myself? You know why? A friend of mine told me to. Everyone thought it was MC but I think you know who it was!" She looked me in the eyes and I was hit with a memory. That Sunday night before the festival.

"Yuri come on, it's Natsuki she obviously likes you and you like her so just go to her house, see if she's okay." Monika encouraged and I sighed placing my head in my hands.
   "It's not that simple Monika." I sniffed and she shook her head walking around my bed to face me.
   "Love isn't simple Yuri, nobody said it was easy, like anything of worth it takes work." She persisted and I groaned, my arms were stinging from having just cut them. My brain was buzzing. I was so out of it.
   "What do you know about love anyway Monika?! You had like one boyfriend and he dumped you!" I snapped letting anger overpower my rational thinking.
   "How dare you, at least I had a boyfriend what have you ever had besides Natsuki's pen!?" She snarled angrily and without thinking I snapped back
   "What have you even contributed to society? Tell me Monika have you ever considered killing yourself?!" I snapped and her expression broke and tears started pooling in her eyes.
   "Funny I could say the same to you. Except I thought you were my friend?" With that she took her jacket and stormed from my room.

  "M-monika...I I ..." I burst into tears and Sayori looked so confused.
   "It's fine Yuri, honest. I forgave you when you came to my hospital room the first night. Lila was asleep. I just want you to remember that feeling, your angst you love Natsuki." She looked into my eyes and tears started to fall from my eyes.
   "I..I don't r-rem-ember what happened these p-pas-s-st months, but.." I looked down at my hands...I hated not remembering anything. "But I remember seeing N-nat-su-kki...the first day after I first met her...she was ... Well I knew I had feelings for her...I don't know if it's because I don't remember most of my feelings....but I think maybe... I do love her." I confessed and Sayori cheered and Monika crossed her arms and gave me a smug smile.

Did I really just confess  one of my darkest secrets to Monika and Sayori? What had happened these last months?!

To Be Continued....
Now times are sinced up and Natsuki and Yuri will be

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