Chapter 16: Work With me

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Sayori's POV:
TW: Monika's parents are assholes

   I was so tired, I was actually starting to fall asleep, as I sat next to Monika, but I refused to leave her side. I knew her parents were coming today, so she needed me. I rubbed my eyes roughly with my fists.
   "Sayori if you need to sleep..." She whispered softly and I shook my head. I wasn't going to be a burden, I was going to make myself useful.
   "No way, I'm just resting my eyes a little." I smiled happily and she scoffed sitting up straighter as she gave me one of her looks.

"Monika, mother and father are here." Lila exclaimed frantically as she began smoothing the hospital blankets and sat next to Monika taking her hand. I was so confused they looked like they were preparing for a all out war. Monika started smoothing down her hair, Lila rubbed my girlfriend's  pale cheeks, trying to get the color to return to them.

  "What's going on?" I murmured and Monika grabbed my hand.
   "My mom and dad are here." She looked like she was going to burst into tears. I gently wrapped her in a tight hug. Trying to calm her shaking body. Then the curtains moved to the side roughly and I caught sight of a blonde man with dark brown eyes and a brunette woman with those startling green eyes twinkled with anger.

  "Monika how could you do this to us?!" The man growled and I watched Lila's expression grow guarded and protective. The woman nodded her agreement.
   "Honestly, do you know how many paparazzi were outside when we pulled up? Could you next time if you feel the need to do this do something less messy, like I don't know take pain medication or something." To my absolute horror her husband nodded.
  "Really, a good overdose would be less messy and less controversial!" He agreed and I looked at my girlfriend she looked so pained. Could I really let this go on?

  "Honestly darling you look like crap. What is there no make-up around here? What if someone took your picture?" Her mom exasperated and Monika swiped at her eyes. Who the heck did they think they were?! If my mom found out she would have been crying and sobbing and blaming herself. But these rich people...I just couldn't believe what I was hearing.

  "I hardly think your biggest concern is how great of a picture she's gonna take." I find myself saying as I stand, "your daughter tried to kill herself!"  I'd never stood up to anyone before, let alone two freaking famous people, but Monika was important to me. However when their fierce gazes suddenly honed in on me, I felt all my stamina drain from my body.

  "And just who are you supposed to be?" Her mom demanded and I gulped down my anxious anxiety and tried to think happy thoughts. Pull down your biggest bottle of sunshine.
   "I'm Sayori..." I didn't even get to finish my sentence when her dad cut me off with a dark laugh.
   "Please you're Monika's little "girlfriend" he put air quotes around the girlfriend part and I involuntarily cringed.

  "Monika that's another thing, I simply forbid you to be gay!" Her mom added and I was dumbfounded. These people were more awful than MC, which was saying A LOT. I know it was him who told Monika to kill herself!
  "What?" Monika whispered, speaking up for the first time.
   "Being gay, more people are against it than they're for it, if you're gay then  well you father and I would most likely lose some of our good church going fans." She snapped and tears filled my eyes, I didn't want her parents to hate her because of me.

  "I refuse to have a gay daughter." Her dad added venomously. I knew I wasn't good enough for her, she was better off without me. "I think you should go." He snapped at me and I went rigid in surprise. He... I blinked back tears. I should go. I started for the door, head down. Arms wrapped around my middle. Breathe, just keep breathing for now.

   "Sayori no, no wait!" Monika cried and I forced down my sadness, something I had done enough to be a master at. I smiled at her. Trying to ignore her tears and desperation.

  "Silly it's okay, I'm okay. It's better if I just go." I started for the curtains and I heard beeping behind me. My hand had just pushed the curtain to the side when.

  "Monika are you CRAZY!" Her mom yelled and I turned as Monika yanked her IV from her arm and grab the heart monitor off her finger. She stumbled out of the bed and I was frozen to the spot, I couldn't let her get hurt because of me. She pushed off her sister's shoulder and stumbled towards me. Tears streaming down her face and neck.

  "No don't leave me! Don't leave me. Please Sayori please!" She sobbed clutching onto my pink jacket with so much strength and conviction. I swiftly tried to pry her hands from my jacket.
   "Monika it's better this way, I should just go." I persisted and she wrapped herself around my middle sobbing brokenly into my chest.
   "No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no don't leave me, don't leave me!" She sobbed hysterically and I couldn't resist her any longer, I had to end this.  I tried to pull her hands away again.
   "Monika let her go, she's no longer your concern now." Her dad snapped and I felt my heart break. All I wanted was to be with Monika, she was my happiness, she chased away the storm clouds. She was my heart. Now it was all going away.

Someone growled under their breath and I looked to Lila and she stood kneeling down she looked at me, her eyes were like Monika's and their mother's, but hers held a wisdom and guidance that the others didn't and anger, passionate and dark anger.

  "Sayori if you leave my sister like this, I swear to God you'll regret it." She exclaimed and I nodded quickly, knowing she meant it, as I relented and brushed my hand through Monika's tangled locks. She had me in a death grip so I couldn't leave anyway.
   "Sayori stay with me forever, don't leave me. Don't leave me." Monika murmured into my chest, not raising her head once. I continued to run my fingers through her hair.
   "Honestly Lila be a good girl and let the lesbo go." Their dad spat and I stopped stroking Monika's hair, my whole body tensed. I should leave.
   "Monika let go." My tone was firm but she kept shaking her head. Lila stood hands clenched.
   "No no Sayori please don't listen to them I want you here. I love you please don't leave me!" She sobbed harder, clutching me tighter.
  "Get out!" She growled and both parents looked startled.
   "Excuse me young lady but I-"
  "I'm twenty five years old, you can't tell me or Monika what to do! So if all
you're here to do is be ignorant and spread your arrogant and egotistical behavior than I think you should leave. If you're so worried about yourselves then go home. Monika will live with me and she won't be your concern any longer." Her eyes flashed dangerously and then she smiled. "Don't worry I will give a statement to the press." With that they stood and looked confused. Their mom looked to Monika. Monika was still clutching me to her tightly.

   "If you can't love me for who I am, then just go away. I'm not going to take your abuse anymore." She murmured softly. I wrapped my arms around Monika and felt her tighten her hold on me again.
  "You're both being ridiculous, you cannot take your sister Lila, she's still halfway through her senior year-"

   "I've got a pretty good lawyer, I wouldn't worry." Monika murmured weakly and their mom bristled before following her husband out. Once they were gone Lila collapsed into the chair and I started to move Monika and myself back towards the bed when a gurney rushed by surrounded by nurses, I caught a glimpse of purple before it was gone.
  "Be careful just be careful!" Natsuki stopped by the door, panting heavily as she grasped her stomach.
  "Natsuki what's wrong?" I exclaimed and she looked at me brokenly.
   "Yuri fell down my stairs, she hit her head, knocked herself unconscious. There was so much blood." She whimpered and I shook my head in disbelief.

What was becoming of our literature club??!!

To Be Continued ...

Hey guys sorry for the wait! I'll try to update more frequently! So tell me your thoughts on Monika's parents.

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