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Fear. It's the most basic, the most human, emotion.

Children were afraid of everything. The dark, the boogeyman under the bed, and they'd pray for morning. For the monsters to go away.

Though, they never do. Not really. Just ask Rosemary Holland.

Rosemary and Jughead sat in the Cooper's dining room. Betty had invited them over for breakfast and, much to her surprise, they said yes. Though, Rosemary didn't eat much. She was too busy wondering when Jughead would talk to her. And, if Alice Cooper had poisoned the pancakes.

"So, Jughead, Rosemary," Alice started, making Rosemary roll her eyes from Jughead's side and shoving a strawberry in her mouth. "I suppose we have you two to thank for Betty's ongoing obsession with this Jason Blossom ghoulishness?"

"Actually, mom," Betty spoke up before either Jughead or Rosemary said a word. "I was the one who asked Jughead and Rose to help me with the Blue and Gold. Jughead's helping me write it and Rose is our photographer."

"Relax, Betty," Alice laughed as she stirred her coffee. "I'm just making conversation."

Jughead awkwardly drank from his orange juice and Rosemarychewed some kiwi, both her and Betty eyeing Jughead. Rosemary rolled her eyes and slammed her heel on his foot, making Jughead splutter and nearly choke on orange juice.

"Do you guys have a bathroom I could use?" Jughead asked, causing Rosemary to roll her eyes.

"Sure," Betty nodded, starting to get up. "I'll show you."

"No, no," Alice stopped her daughter and quickly standing up. "I'll show him. Follow me... Jughead."

Rosemary and Betty sat in silence and watched as Jughead went them a worried glance before following Alice up the stairs. once they were out of sight, Betty walked over to her mother's purse that sat on the kitchen counter and started digging through it. She pulled out a black checkbook and her phone, quickly taking pictures of every page.

"Hurry up, Betty," Rosemary whispered, leaning towards the blonde. "Boys pee fast."

Another fun fact about fear.

Sometimes it grows up with you, or it curls up inside of you, tightens around your guts.

"Archie Andrews?" Kevin asked into his microphone as he sat front row in the auditorium. Archie stood on the stage in front of the microphone with a guitar hanging around his shoulders and in front of his chest.

Each fall, Riverdale High hosts a Variety Show. But this event is no mere student frolic.

"And what will you be auditioning with?" Kevin asked.

Rosemary ⋇ Jughead JonesWhere stories live. Discover now