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T H A N K   Y O U

Thank you to everyone who stuck through this story!
This is the first story I've ever finished and it feels so good
to know that I finished a book, but also that this is just the
beginning for Rosemary Holland! 

For Book 2, we will be seeing new and old characters
show up again, such as:
Ben Newman,
Angelina Adenhart,
Lizzy Holland,
Josh Holland,
FP Jones and Amelia Holland

In this book we saw the change of Rosemary's personality
from a Good Girl to Badass Serpent!

Rosemary is two halves of a broken town in one person and
that was really what I wanted to show with her character. 
Half of Rosemary is this good girl Northsider while the other
half of her is a badass Southsider Serpent. I can't wait to go
more in depth of that part of her character and I hope you are too!

Thank you again, and see you in Book 2!

~ Nicole

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