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Serpent Slut

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Serpent Slut


Rosemary and Jughead sat at the lunch table eating their lunch, Jughead eating a rather large sandwich while Rosemary picked at her fries. Both of them told each other about their meetings with Ms. Weiss and it turned out that the two separate families that were fostering Jughead and Rosemary lived pretty close by each other. They also found out that they were both getting transferred to Southside High, which Rosemary was fine with since she knew all the teen Serpents that went to that school and knew they'd happily take in Rosemary and Jughead. As long as Jughead actually stuck with the Serpents in school.

"Betty's babysitting Polly," Veronica's voice echoed as she walked over to the empty table that only hosted Rosemary and Jughead. "Mind if I join you two?"

"Are you sure you want to sit at the social pariah table?" Jughead asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I've been sitting at it for months," Veronica laughed as she sat next to Jughead. "Why should today be any different? By the way, I've been thinking. Jughead, you and I have a lot in common."

"Oh," Jughead rolled his eyes. "Because my dad is going to prison and your dad is getting out?"

"We're dating each other's best friends," Veronica pointed at Rosemary. "I was going to say. But yes, the prison thing, too."

The sound of heels clicked echoed in the busy cafeteria and all three teens looked up to see Cheryl Blossom standing across the table from them.

"Jughead, Rosemary," Cheryl nodded at the two. "I'm sorry. I had no right to pummel you two the way I did that day. As recompense, I'd like to give you this."

Cheryl tossed a pin to Jughead and another to Rosemary. Jughead's pin was the spider brooch Cheryl wore constantly. it had a ruby red body and gold legs that curved up then down. In Rosemary's hand was a small, golden dove pin that was the size of a quarter.

"My iconic spider brooch," Cheryl nodded. "And my favorite dove pin. They'll both catch a pretty penny at the local pawn shop. Enough to keep you in burgers, 'S' t-shirts, and milkshakes for years, if not decades."

"Cheryl," Veronica spoke up. "Why is going on? First, you hand off your position as captain of the Vixens to me and now this?"

"What?" Rosemary asked as she looked over at Cheryl. "Cher, are you okay?"


"Guys," Kevin cut Cheryl off as he stepped around her. "Hurry. It's Betty's locker. Come on, it's bad. Come on, come on!"

Jughead and Veronica rushed with Kevin and Rosemary sighed, quickly pulling Cheryl into a tight hug and sending her an apologetic smile before running off after her boyfriend and two close friends.

Veronica had grabbed Archie as they ran through the cafeteria, pushing through the doors and rushing straight towards Betty's locker. 

Posted on Betty's locker were dozens of copies of her article in the blue and gold she wrote. The article talked about FP Jones, Amelia Holland, and the injustice against the Southside Serpents. On the papers were the words "Go To HELL Serpent Slut!" in red, blood-like, finger painted writing. Tied by a thread attached to the locker was a voodoo-looking doll. The thread was tied around its neck like a noose and the hair was a yellow thread. 

People were taking pictures and videos instead of speaking up and, in front of the locker, stood Betty and Polly Cooper. Betty had tears in her eyes and Rosemary shook her head, quickly being the first to step forward along with Jughead. The flashes shined on her Serpent leather jacket, which had Cheryl's dove pin pinned on the collar.

"Betty," Rosemary sighed as she looked back at the horrifying sight.

Betty stepped forwards to try and rip it off but Jughead wrapped his arms around her and held her back slightly, trying to stop her from making any sort of scene.

"Betty," Jughead whispered to her. "Hey, no..."

"It's nothing, Jug," Betty argued as she pushed against Jughead. "It's just a jerk with a can of spray paint."

"I don't think that's spray paint," Jughead shook his head, forcing Betty to look up at him. "Okay?"

Jughead led Betty away and Rosemary shook her head in disgust at the phrase, quickly ripping it off of Betty's locker and tugging the doll down. She turned to see some people filming her with there phones and some spamming pictures.

"The show's over!" Rosemary yelled at the teens. "Move it!"

Rosemary pushed through the crowd and shoved the remains in her hand in the trashcan angrily. Without a word, Rosemary pushed past all her friends and walked away, the phrase still burning in her mind.


Rosemary and Jughead laid down in her bad, Rosemary snuggled into Jughead's side as he ran his hand through her hair. The two laid in a comforting silence, the only sound being the cars driving by outside of her house. Rosemary looked up at Jughead and smiled to herself, placing a soft kiss on his jawline and catching his attention. Jughead looked down at Rosemary and a smile tugged at his lips that matched hers. He pressed his lips softly against her forehead and sat up, resting his back against the headboard and pulling Rosemary close. She slid up so she was sitting on his lap and turned so she was facing Jughead, her arms resting on his shoulders and her fingers tugging at the small bit of hair that stuck out at the bottom of his hat.

"How are you feeling about all this?" Rosemary asked Jughead curiously. "You know... Southside high, the whole Betty's locker thing..."

"I don't know," Jughead shrugged, his hands sliding so they rested on her hips. "I just kind of think... As long as Betty is around me, us, and she's writing those articles about my dad and your mom, trouble's just gonna keep coming at her from all sides."

"Yeah," Rosemary nodded. "Fred was right, trouble does follow the Jones and Holland families around, huh?"

"And she thinks it's just one jerk," Jughead shook his head. "It's not just one jerk. It's Mayor McCoy, it's Sheriff Keller, it's Weatherbee, it's Social Services, it's the entire multiverse telling me that I don't belong here, so why don't I just do everyone a fav-"

Rosemary cut Jughead off by leaning forwards and pressing a soft kiss on his lips. They kissed for a small moment before pulling away, their foreheads pressed together and their eyes softly shut.

"You belong here," Rosemary whispered. "You belong here just as much as everyone else. You belong here with me. This is our home. We belong here. Understand?"

Jughead nodded and Rosemary pressed another soft kiss on his lips before leaning back, her hands softly resting on his shoulders. His arms wrapping around her waist and lifting her up slightly so she was pulled tightly against him. With a soft laugh, Rosemary dipped her head down, their lips connecting to a soft passionate kiss in the sweet silence of the empty house.

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