chapter one

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hey guys so this story is going to be about rdj and chris filming avengers 4. i obviously have not seen avengers 4 yet (since i'm writing this in 2018) so i have no idea what's going to happen lol! but i hope you enjoy some evans x downey :)

Robert had just arrived to the set of Avengers 4. It was the first day, and he was excited to see all his friends again. He said hi to Mark, Paul, and Scarlett, giving them big hugs. "I missed you guys."

While he was catching up with the crew, someone tapped him on his shoulder. It was Chris. Robert had always had a little crush on Chris, but no one knew. And he wanted to keep it that way.

"There's my dorito," he said pulling him in a hug. Robert could feel butterflies forming in his stomach, but he tried his best to ignore them. "So, last time together on set, huh?" Robert remembered reading the script, and about Steve Rogers death scene. He couldn't believe this was the end for the duo.

Chris put a hand on Robert's shoulder, trying to comfort him. His smile was the thing Robert loved most. Seeing that smile everyday on set is what got him through the tough scenes.

Chris walked away, going to prepare for his scene when Anthony Russo walked up to Robert. "Hey, Mr. Downey? Can we have a word with you for a second?" Robert nodded and followed Anthony into his office.

He sat down in a chair across from the two brothers. "Listen, Robert, we want to change the script a little bit. We think it would be best if Steve died in Tony's arms. What do you think?"

Robert loved and hated the idea at the same time. It would be special for Steve and Tony to share that last moment together, but Robert didn't know if he could get through it. "Okay," he said, not exactly sure how to respond.

"We just think that Steve and Tony have a really strong relationship and we know you and Chris can pull it off. You guys have a lot of chemistry." Robert tried not to blush at that last comment.

Tony agreed with the idea, and they sent him out to fetch Chris.

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