chapter eight

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"Mr. Evans, he likes you! Come on, you have to make your move!" Tom was so eager to get the two together, he couldn't help himself anymore. "Okay, you're gonna tell him tonight. You don't have a choice I'm making you."

"Tom, I don't know if that's the best idea."

"What did I say? You don't have a choice. So here's what you're gonna do. You're gonna text him and invite him to dinner. But not just dinner at some bar, no, a nice dinner. And then you're gonna show up dressed all nice and bring him a single rose. And you're gonna eat your dinner and let all your emotions flow out of you. Got that?"

"Are you sure about this? What if something goes wrong?"

"I'm positive. So text him now!" Chris pulled out his phone, his hands shaking. He slowly typed his name. R-O-B-E-R-T.

chris: hey let's get dinner tonight. my treat.

Chris nervously sat there waiting for a reply. "What if he never responds?" He asked Tom. "Don't worry, just be patient." Finally Chris saw the three little dots pop up and he held his breath.

robert: sure :) what do u have in mind

"Yes!" Tom yelled, "I told you! Now text him back!"

chris: meet me at that place on the corner of 5th avenue at 7 o'clock...oh and dress nice!!

robert: okay can't wait :)

Chris let out a sigh of relief, but this relief was only temporary. He had a date to get ready for.

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