chapter eleven

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"Call me back right now! I've called you a million times come on I need to know how it went! Pleeeeaaseee call me back when you get this. Bye!"

Chris had about a million messages from Tom when he got back that night. He wanted to call him back, but he promised Robert they wouldn't tell anyone for a little while, until they figured things out. So he sent him this message.

chris: things didn't go as planned, but it was still fun. we're still good friends.

He felt bad lying to Tom, but he didn't have a choice. He made a promise to Robert.

Chris couldn't believe what had happened that night. He had never felt so happy in his life. He had liked many people before but this time was different. It felt different. This really was love.

Meanwhile, Robert was thinking the same thing. He couldn't believe Chris liked him back, after all this time. He wanted nothing more than to be with him. He couldn't sleep, Chris running through his mind. He rolled over and looked at the clock. 3:00 AM.

robert: are u awake?

chris: well not now

robert: omg so sorry!

chris: it's ok :)

robert: i already miss u

chris: i miss u too. let's do something tomorrow

robert: i can't i'm shooting a scene tomorrow :(

chris: then i'll come watch. as long as i'm with u

robert: i would like that ❤️

chris: then i'll see u tomorrow. goodnight❤️

this is it - evansdowneyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora