chapter seven

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Chris ran after Robert, knowing something was wrong with his friend. "Chris, leave me alone!" But of course, Chris didn't do what he was told. "No, I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong!" Chris sat down next to him on the curb. Close. "What's going on?" He whispered.

"I just...can't imagine making these movies without you." Of course this wasn't a total lie. He really couldn't imagine it, but that wasn't what was bothering him.

"Aw, Robert. I don't wanna leave the mcu either, but it's time. I've gotta move on. But just so you know, being in these movies with you has whats made it so special. I look up to you. I always have."

Robert could barley speak through the tears. "C-chris," he said, pulling him into a hug. "What am I gonna do without my dorito?" Chris giggled.

"You know I'll always be a phone call away." They looked at each other, not saying a word, just staring. Chris swore he saw Robert leaning in, but he suddenly pulled away. Chris wanted to kiss him more than anything.

He had thought about their first kiss many, many times. He always figured Robert would be the one to initiate it. It would be quick, yet passionate. They'd pull apart slowly, looking into each other's eyes trying to comprehend what just happened. Then they'd both soon realize they were in love.

But not now.

Not yet, anyway.

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