chapter five

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Tom was excited about his new quest to get Robert and Chris together. He texted Mr. Downey and asked if he'd like to have lunch.

tom: hey mr. downey do u wanna grab some food in between takes?

robert: alright who put u up to this?

tom: idk what ur talking about? come on pleaseeeeee

robert: alright i'll see u in 5

Tom got a table at the cafe downtown, and to his surprise Robert actually showed up. "Hey, kid. How's shooting going? Stealing the scenes I bet." Tom giggled.

"Thanks, Mr. Downey! And it's going good, it's going good. So, um, how are your scenes with Mr. Evans going?" Tom tried to be subtle, but he wasn't really good at that.

"Um, they're good? Tom, what's this about?"

"Okay, I can't keep it in anymore. Mr. Downey, do you have feelings for Mr. Evans?" Robert began to blush, and was at loss for words. "I, um, I..." All his feelings were swirling around inside his head, making him feel dizzy.

"I, I don't know kid."

"Come on, Mr. Downey. I see the way you look at him. I see the way you guys act together. You love him."

"Tom, okay so what if I do? Besides he would never feel the same way. You cannot tell anyone this okay?" Tom nodded, resisting ever urge to tell Chris's secret. But he knew he couldn't.

Not yet.

sorry i suck so bad at updating this story wow

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