chapter thirteen

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As more alcohol entered their systems, everything began to feel like slow motion. Chris was dancing like no other on the dance floor, while Robert was singing Taylor Swift at the karaoke machine.

They didn't have a care in the world, that is until Robert started getting sick. After too many drinks and wasted songs, he found Chris in the crowd. "C-chris, I think I'm gonna..." And before he could finish his sentence he puked all over poor Chris.

Drunk Robert began to sob, apologizing over and over again. "It's okay, it's okay. Let's just get you home." Chris was drunk but not too drunk to drive.

"Christopher I love you. I lovveee youuuu," Robert repeated over and over again.

"You're drunk."

"Chris can I come home with you. Pleeeassseeeee."

"Okay, fine." Chris carried him into his apartment and set him down on the couch. I'm gonna go hop in the shower. There's another one downstairs, I advise you use it. "Can I just come in the shower with youuuu?"

"Robert, not tonight. Now go get cleaned up." Robert pouted and went downstairs like he was told. After they were all washed and ready for bed, Robert finally started to come to his senses. "Chris, I'm sorry. You should've just brought me home."

"No, trust me it's no bother. Come here."

Robert climbed into the bed, cuddling next to Chris. "I like this."

"Me too."

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