Angelina Sully

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(AN: Hello, my lovelies! The picture above is how I picture Angel's Avatar to look like and the outfit she will be wearing after she meets the Na'vi people.)

Actress Playing Angel: Adelaide Kane

Actress Playing Angel: Adelaide Kane

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Age: 20

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Golden Brown

Height: 5'3

Physique: Slim but muscular

Likes: Reading, drawing, learning, children, helping others, animals, and her big brother's hugs

Dislikes: People picking on her brother even though she's younger, her brother being over-protective, and people hurting animals

Personality: Not much of a people person. The only ones in the Avatar program that she's opened up to other than her family are Norm, Grace, and Trudy. Once she gets close to someone they find out that she is a kind soul but when you make her mad you better run for your life.

Information: Angel was born deaf but that never slowed her down. Angelina and her brothers taught themselves sign language and she also learned how to read lips. Angel is very clingy to Jake but not in an annoying way. Angel feels that if Jake isn't with her then he will leave her like Tommy did. Angelina's fear is so bad that she's prone to having panic attacks if she feels like Jake is going to be taken away from her or that he will leave her. Angel is a genius in the field of Na'vi life and Pandora itself like Tommy was. She can speak Na'vi and also knows all about the creatures of Pandora.

(AN: Hello my lovelies, I hope y'all enjoy the story! I update every Saturday if I'm able to and if not I try to update the day before or after if I can. When the characters are speaking Na'vi the words will be in italics but when Jake and Angel are speaking in sign language the words will be underlined and lastly, thoughts will be 'like this'. Enjoy and stay lovely!)

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