Here We Are

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I come out of cryo to see Jake getting let out of the restraints by a med staff. After releasing Jake he releases me and says to everyone, "You've been in cryo for five years, nine months and twenty-two days. You will be hungry. You will be weak. If you feel nausea, please use the sacks provided for your convenience. The staff thanks you in advance." After the med finishes his speech I catch up with Jake to get my stuff out of my locker.

(Mini Timeskip)

I sit next to Jake calmly staring in front of me when movement around me catches my attention. 'I guess I missed the command to put the exo-packs on.' I quickly apply my pack to my face and allow clean oxygen into my body as we begin to land. As everyone gets off the aircraft I wait for Jake to get in his chair then ask him, "Can I please push you, Jay?" Jake looks me in the eyes then sighs before giving in to my request. Jake has always been very independent and refusing other's help but he can never say no to me.

I push Jake following at the back of the line of soldiers entering the base. " Well, well, ladies. Look at all this fresh meat! Oh and this piece of meat looks rather fine if I do say so myself," a guard says looking me up and down and basically undressing me with his eyes. I'm wearing a purple tank top and black shorts with black combat boots and my long straight hair is just left down I have no clue what he finds so attractive.

I roll my eyes at them but Jake acknowledges them, "Keep your filthy eyes off of my little sister you bastard before I teach you a lesson in chivalry."

I chuckle at the soldier's shocked face before pushing Jake away from them and into the base where we get a lecture from the commander that Jake translates for me since the commander is facing away from us. After the lecture Jake and I are headed to the link base when I feel a presence coming up behind us and turn to find Norm; one of my few friends. "Hey, Norm!" I greet with a smile as I stop pushing Jake.

"Hey, Angel! Oh, and you must be Jake wow you look just like Tom. Sorry, I'm Norm Spellman. I went through Avatar training with Tom and Angel." After Norm introduces himself to my brother he walks with us to the biolab. "We're gonna spend a lot of time up here. Hey! How are you doing? Norm, avatar driver," Norm explains. "Link... here's the link room right here. This is where we're connecting to the avatar."

One of the scientists turn around and greet us, "Hey welcome. Welcome to Pandora. Good to have you." The scientist shakes all of our hands then goes to continue his work.

Jake observes the avatars in their containers, "Damn! They got big."

I giggle before responding to my brother, "They fully mature on the flight here."

"So the proprioceptive sims seem to work really well," Norm observes.

The scientist says something in response to Norm but I can't see what since his back is turned so I tap Jake on the shoulder and raise an eyebrow in question. Science guy said they have great muscle tone. It will take them a while to get them ready but we can take them out tomorrow. I nod and turn back to the interaction.

The scientist points to Jake's avatar and mine so I push Jake over to his first. It looks like him.

I give a short chuckle before correcting my brother, No Jay, it looks like you. This avatar is yours now not Tommy's.

Next, we go to where Jake can practice his video logs. Jake does his log in both speech and sign language so that I can understand what he is saying easier if I were to look at them. After that, we follow Dr. Max into another room while Norm nerds out, "Grace Augustine is a legend. She's the head of the Avatar Program. She wrote the book, I mean literally wrote the book on Pandoran botany."

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