Seeing Behind His Mask

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 Jake puts me down and kisses my forehead before following Neytiri leaving me with Tsu'tey. Tsu'tey grabs my right wrist to lead me but I give out a cry of pain as my eyes tear up. Koji jumps in between us growling at the warrior. "I'm okay, Koji. He didn't know," I soothe out loud. Koji hesitantly backs off. Tsu'tey pulls me to a certain area of the tree which looks like a healing room. Tsu'tey leads me to sit on the cushion as he gathered up some supplies. Koji lays down next to me with his head on my lap.

After gathering the supplies without a word Tsu'tey begins to unwrap Jake's shirt from my wrist. Seeing the extent of the damage Tsu'tey slightly cringes, "What happened?"

I look unsurely at Tsu'tey in front of me before answering, "Jake and I were left in the forest tonight and Jake thought it would be smart to make a torch. I told my idiot brother that it would do more harm than good but he didn't listen. Anyways, a pack of viperwolves surrounded us and Jake cut one but it wasn't an automatic kill and I saw some healing plants nearby so I gathered those and went after the injured animal. He let me approach him but when I put the plants on they hurt at first so he bit on my wrist to get me to stop but it wasn't his fault. I was the one who chose to help him," I explain as Koji nuzzles my stomach and Tsu'tey finishes cleaning the wound.

Tsu'tey looks me in the eyes with his usual angry eyes but I can see a look deep in them that seems to be that of admiration. As we stare into each other's eyes I notice how attractive this Na'vi warrior actually is. 'He has such beautiful green eyes.' Tsu'tey clears his throat and breaks our gaze, "Do you have any other injuries that need to be tended to?" Without a word I unwrap the damp cloth that is covering my wound from the Thanator. "And this one?" Tsu'tey inquires examining the deep agitated wound spanning from my left shoulder to my right hip.

"Jake and I were separated from our group when a Thanator chased us and it got a good hit on me," I explain while I watch him clean the wound me wincing in the process.

"We are going to need to sew it closed," he sighs.

I steal my gaze but inside I am freaking out, "Please just do whatever needs to be done." After Tsu'tey grabs the needle and thread I close my eyes and brace for the pain. When the needle first enters my skin I bite my lip to keep my cries of pain in and to prevent myself from crying. After a few minutes the job is finished. I give a sigh of relief smiling softly at him, "Thank you Tsu'tey."

He looks at my tired state and his eyes soften, "You are welcome." Tsu'tey walks over to a table and grabs the clothes on it before handing them to me, "Get dressed then meet me outside."

He walks out of the room to give me privacy as I change into the beautiful clothes that still allow me to move around as I wish. (AN: They are the clothes she is wearing in her avatar in the description chapter.) Koji and I join Tsu'tey outside and he leads us to an unknown destination. We follow Tsu'tey to where the other Omatikaya are all joined together for dinner. Koji and I sit next to the warrior and begin to eat the food given to us when Jake plops down next to me. How are your injuries, Lina?

They are fine, Jay. Tsu'tey treated them for me so they won't get infected. Jake nods and begins to eat his food now that he knows I am taken care of. Jake begins to talk to Neytiri so I turn to my mentor who is already looking at me with curious eyes.

"What were those odd hand motions you were just doing, is that a sky people thing?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

I chuckle at his assumption before explaining, "Actually, no. Back in my other body I lack the ability to hear so this is the way that I communicate with my brother and some others, I am able to read lips but this way is just easier. Those hand motions are called sign language; each motion means something. This form of communication is used to communicate with and for those who can't speak or hear."

Tsu'tey takes this information in before asking slightly bashfully, "Could you teach me sometime?"

'He is so cute!' I gush internally. Who would have thought that the mighty Na'vi warrior would get bashful about asking for something. I smile brightly at him, "I would love to." Tsu'tey slightly smiles at me before forcing his usual scowl back on his face. You look much handsomer with a smile, my warrior. I sign.

Tsu'tey's expression turns to that of confusion, "What did that mean?"

I smirk before replying, "Remember those signs because you will have to find that one out on your own if you are up for the challenge."

Tsu'tey smirks back, "You're on."

After we all finish eating Jake, Koji and I follow Neytiri and Tsu'Tey. The two natives lead us to a group of hammocks. The two get in theirs leaving two empty ones between them. Are you okay sleeping on your own, Lina?

I will be fine, Jay. It's not like we are really sleeping anyways. Jake nods in understanding and kisses me on the forehead before getting in his hammock. "Goodnight, Jay. Love you," I say as I climb into my hammock as well with Koji in my arms.

"Love you too, Lina. Sleep well," Jake replies.

I get situated in my hammock with Koji beside me and I face Tsu'tey who is already looking at me, "Goodnight, Tsu'tey."

"Goodnight, Angel. Sweet dreams," Tsu'tey replies. We share a smile before closing our hammocks and going to sleep and waking up in my link bed with people shining lights in my eyes.

"Stop if you want me to understand you because I can't hear you and blinding me will definitely not help the situation," I grumble as the lights are moved away and I see Grace.

"Is the avatar safe?" she asks.

"Yes ma'am I am with Jake," I answer. Grace nods and helps me out of the bed and I walk over to Jake who is getting situated in his chair. We all go and eat dinner where Grace doats on me and teases Jake. We all laugh together before heading off to bed.

Jake and I are reaching our door when he stops, Hey, Lina. I need to go do something right quick. You get ready for bed and I will be right back. I raise an eyebrow in suspicion but nod nonetheless and do as told. 'Jake never keeps stuff from me so why start now?' I get dressed in a pair of black cotton shorts and my purple and black sports bra and get situated in bed not being able to sleep until Jake gets back. After 10 minutes Jake rolls into the room and gets changed before joining me in bed. I snuggle up to him and he kisses my head, Goodnight, Lina.

"Goodnight, Jay," I reply before quickly dozing off in the safe arms of my big brother.

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