Reunited and Tears

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'I still can't believe that Tommy is gone-killed by a stupid thief! I want Jake! I need Jake with me right now! I can't lose him like I lost Tommy!' I'm going with two government officials to pick up my older brother so that he can take Tommy's spot in the Avatar program. Once I was told of my late brother's passing and that Jake was going to be recruited I begged to go with them so I could see my brother as soon as possible and I was thankfully granted permission to go with them. We pull up to some crappy looking bar and go towards the back to find none other than my brother laying in a puddle with his chair behind him. "It doesn't look like him," One of the agents says.

"Jake!" I call with tears running down my face. I run to my brother and pull him into a tight hug crying into his chest. Jake wraps his arms around me tightly I can tell that Jake is speaking with the agents due to the vibrations coming from his chest but I don't pay any attention to it.

After speaking with the agents Jake puts his hands on my shoulders and pushes me away gently so that he can "talk" to me. Lina, tell me what happened.

With tears still streaming down my face, I sign back. Tommy was killed by a thief who tried to take his wallet. He's gone Jay, he's really gone.

"Let me get in my chair then we can go. Don't help me I can do it on my own." Jake says and signs so that I know what he is saying. After Jake gets in his wheelchair he gestures for me to sit in his lap and I do without hesitation curling up into him as he follows the agents to the car then we head off to headquarters.

(Small Time Skippy)

I'm sitting in Jake's lap again with my head tiredly laying on his chest as we follow the agents so that we can see Tommy one last time before he is cremated. As we make it to the box Tommy is in I can only look at him for a second before I bury my face in Jake's chest again and silently cry. Jake places his hand on my back and gently begins to rub soothing circles in hopes of comforting me. 'My brothers are everything to me. I can't believe I've lost one of them.' I feel Jake's chest vibrate telling me that he said something and knowing my brother it was, "Jesus, Tommy." The agents begin convincing Jake to take Tommy's place in the Avatar program and he agrees so he can keep an eye on me and fulfill Tommy's dream for him so it doesn't die with him. 

(AN: Sorry for the short start, my lovelies; however, there is more to come and I hope you enjoy it. Stay Lovely!)

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