Crap Hits the Fan

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I wake up the next morning and something doesn't feel right. I am about to head to my link bay when Grace stops me telling me to eat something first. I am about to comply with her demands when I suddenly get a rush of panic within me. "Tsu'tey," I whisper frightened. "Grace, link me up there is no time to explain and no time to lose. Something is wrong," I tell her urgently. We run the rest of the way to the link bay and she hooks me up.

I open my eyes in my avatar in no time only to be met with Tsu'tey's panicked face as he tries to wake me up. "Angel! Angelina! My love, we must go, something is coming this way," he shouts over the sound of a bulldozer.

I sit up and look around with wide eyes. "No, this can't be happening. What? Why are they doing this?" I say unsurely as tears begin to fill my eyes before turning to Tsu'tey, "We need to go. We need to inform Eytukan and Mo'at of what is happening."

Tsu'tey nods in agreement wiping away a stray tear from my face before grabbing my hand and dragging me away from the destruction happening behind us.

We meet the clan leaders and the rest of the Omaticaya at Hometree. I stand with the rest of the clan and Koji as Tsu'tey walks to stand before the leaders. "Tsu'tey will lead the war party," Eytukan announces and Tsu'tey gives a cry of approval.

Grace moves forward to stand beside me calling, "Stop, please! This will only make it worse."

"You do not speak here!" Tsu'tey chides her. I place a comforting hand on Grace's shoulder as my mate continues to speak, "We will strike them in the heart."

Suddenly my brother runs up holding hands with Neytiri calling, "Tsu'tey! Don't do this."

"You!" Tsu'tey calls as he strides towards my brother handing his bow to another warrior.

"Listen. Brother..." Jake starts before my mate shoves him down.

Neytiri stands protectively in front of Jake hissing at him as I place myself between her and Tsu'tey hissing at her. Neytiri and I share a look before nodding in acknowledgment and standing once again. I turn to Tsu'tey letting my disapproval of his actions flow through our bond and show in my eyes. He flinches slightly at feeling my negative emotion towards him. He lowers his head knowing that I am upset with him. I cannot stay mad at him though so I place a hand on his cheek lifting his head so he can see the forgiving smile I am giving him. Tsu'tey returns my smile then places his hand on top of mine and turns to kiss my palm.

Eytukan walks forward, "Have you two mated with this man and woman?"

Tsu'tey drops our hands but continues to hold my hand lacing our fingers together. My mate shares a look with Neytiri and replies, "We decided to mate for love...not status. I am sorry Eytukan but these are the people we have chosen."

Neytiri adds, "We are mated before Eywa. It is done."

"Eytukan, please. Do not attack the Sky People. Many Omaticaya will die if you do," Jake pleads. "I am not your enemy! The enemy is out there, and they are very powerful! I can talk to them."

Eytukan stands tall and with authority, "Enough talk, you seem to be the ones behind this."

Jake doesn't give in, "I am Omaticaya. I am one of you. And I have the right to speak. I have something to all of you. The words are like stones in my heart."
Suddenly Grace falls causing me to shout and Koji to race to my side in panic, "Grace! Jake what's happening?!" Momma, what's going on? Are you going to leave like Aunt Grace just did? 'I don't know, sweetheart but if I do I want you to either stay with Tsu'tey or Neytiri, okay? And remember I love you.' Okay, Momma. I love you too.

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