Let the Lessons Begin

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Jake and I head to the link bay with Norm and Grace quizzing Jake on the important people of the Omaticaya.

"T'su'tey," Jake says confidently.

"That would be Tsu'tey, Smart One," I sarcastically correct him.

"He'll be the next clan leader," Grace adds.

Jake rolls his eyes before repeating it correctly. Grace shows him the next picture, "Neytiri."

Grace nods before saying, "She'll be the next Tsahik. They become a mated pair."

When Grace says this I feel a slight pang in my heart but I brush it off. 'I don't know why my heart reacted like that. I just met the guy. Though he puts off a tough front he is really sweet, caring, hand- no stop it! You just met the guy Angelina and he is also promised to someone else!' I shake my head before getting situated in my link bed. Grace walks over to me, Keep your brother from causing trouble if you can.

I chuckle before responding, Grace, we both know that's a losing battle. Grace chuckles before locking me in.

I let my mind go blank to open my eyes in my avatar meeting the green eyes of the Na'vi I was thinking about not too long ago. "Time for breakfast then your lessons start," Tsu'tey informed me.

I smile at him as I get out of the hammock with Koji. Morning Momma! 'Good morning, sweetie.' I reply and pet his head affectionately. We both follow Tsu'tey to eat before our long day begins.

(Time Skip brought to you by Kyoya being a creepy but handsome stalker)

Tsu'tey leads us to where two Direhorses are waiting. "This is Mishti and her brother. He has no name yet but once you are able to ride him that will be your privilege," He explains. I walk forward and stand next to the horse-like animal looking up at it in wonder then I realize I have to mount this creature who is twice my size. Seeing my predicament Tsu'tey breaks out into laughter. I pout but I can't hold it for long as a smile spreads across my face because his laughter is like music to my ears. Once he composes himself he smiles at me, "I'll give you a lift but once you make the connection he should lower himself for you on command."

I nod and place my hands on the side of the direhorse and instead of giving me a foothold to push myself up on Tsu'tey gently grabs me by my waist and lifts me onto the creature. My cheeks turn purple in a blush and I swear I saw him smirk out of the corner of my eye. I shake it off and gently grab the direhorses queue connecting it with mine. I feel our heartbeats and minds sync together. I silently tell the direhorse to walk around the perimeter of the clearing. I look to Tsu'tey as I come to a stop next to him seeing him smiling at me. "His name will be Beongea it means lightning," I tell Tsu'tey. I like that name. 'I'm glad you do Beongae I believe we will get along just fine.'

Tsu'tey jumps onto Mishti, "Follow me."

I nod before following Tsu'tey to another clearing seeing my older brother on the ground covered in mud causing me to laugh and Jake to roll his eyes at me, "I see you've got that down, Lina."

"And I see you've been put down, dear brother of mine," I reply chuckling.

"You should go away," Tsu'tey tells my brother.

My brother stands up and replies back smartly, "No, you'd miss me. I knew you could speak English."

Tsu'tey chuckles before addressing Neytiri, "This alien will learn nothing... a rock Sees more...look at him."

I glare at Tsu'tey and Neytiri notices my look towards the warrior, "I'd pick your words lightly, brother before you have problems with your skywalker."

Tsu'tey looks towards me to see what she is talking about then flinches under the harshness of my look. I turn my nose up at him before turning to Jake ask with sarcasm written in my eyes. How is your date with Neytiri going?

I think she's warming up to me. I roll my eyes as Jake chuckles. Don't be too hard on lover boy he is just picking on the new guy.

My eyebrows shoot up in surprise and I am about to ask what he means when Neytiri sends Tsu'tey off. I look back at Jake saying, "This discussion is not over Jacob Sully." I then proceed to follow Tsu'tey deciding to give him the silent treatment until he apologizes. We head back to the clearing we were in previously and I dismount Beongae patting him on the neck and walking over to Koji who is sleeping next to a tree. I grab the book with blank pages I set next to Koji and begin to draw a picture of Jake half in human form and half in his avatar. 

(AN: It is the cover picture. I do not own the sketch but it is a work of art.)

I hear a sigh and the shuffling of feet before I feel Tsu'tey sit beside me. "You did well today, Angel," I continue my drawing without even acknowledging him. "Are you really going to give me the silent treatment for what I said to that alien?"

I crack and turn my glare to him, "That alien is my brother and I won't sit around and let you speak poorly of him. I don't care if you pick on him playfully but the thing is you just want him gone. And another thing is if he leaves then I do as well because I am not able to be away from my brother for too long since I lost my other older brother recently. And I actually thought we were getting along Tsu'tey but since you are trying to get rid of my brother I suppose you are trying to get rid of me as well."

Tsu'tey stares at me with wide shock filled eyes for a second before regaining his composure, "That is not at all what I was trying to do. The last thing I want to do is get rid of you. To be honest you seem to be the only one I can let my guard down and be myself around. I am sorry for what I said to your brother. I will not cease to pick on him but I will try to tone it down slightly for your sake." Tsu'tey gently grabs my hand, "Do you forgive me?" I nod and smile at him. "Great so can I get a sign language lesson now?" I chuckle and for the rest of the day, I teach Tsu'tey the basics of sign language.  

I Hear You, My WarriorOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara