Viperwolves Aren't Bad Jake is Just Stupid

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(AN: Hello, my lovelies! I am so sorry for the late update. But here is the new chapter bright and early. I hope this starts y'all's day off well. I love you guys and stay lovely!)

Jake made a spear out of a stick for protection as we walk through the forest. We walk around well into the night. When we begin to hear the sounds of viperwolves close by Jake asks me for his jacket which he then makes into a torch. "Jake, the fire will only attract them more," I reprimand. Jake ignores me and keeps waving the torch around trying to scare the creatures off. Jake and I stayed back to back as the viperwolves drew closer and closer to us.

"I don't have all goddamn night. Come on! Come on!" Jake taunts.

A viperwolf lunges for me. "Jake!" I call as I duck to dodge the creature. Jake turns around swiftly and hits the viperwolf with the torch before turning back around and repeating the process and dropping his torch in favor of his knife. One of the viperwolves 'This one looks to be an adolescent' knocked Jake down and Jake cut it but it wasn't fatal so it went off into the wooded area. Seeing their brother hurt the rest began to strike. I look around and see some healing plants and rush to grab them. I look in the direction the hurt viperwolf went off to and I go after it. 'These animals don't deserve to suffer for my brother's stupidity and refusal to listen to me. And I refuse to take this creature's life when I can save it.' I find the injured creature laying in front of a tree licking its wound. I purposefully make noise as I approach the creature so that I don't startle it but it growls at me nonetheless when I come into view. "It's okay little one. I mean no harm I just want to help," I sooth as I calmly walk over to the creature and examine the wound on its side with its wary eyes watching my every move. After looking at the wound I deftly nod then wet the plant before saying to the viperwolf, "This is going to sting for a second but it is going to feel ten times better after it takes effect." I place the plant quickly on the wound covering it thoroughly. The viperwolf gives a whimpering cry before it latches onto my right wrist closest to it to get me to stop my application. I bite my lip until I taste blood so I successfully hold in the cry of pain I want to let out. I stare in the viperwolf's eyes and sooth it, "It will be over very soon little one. Be strong for me. You can do it." The viperwolf's eyes sadden and it releases my wrist as the cooling effect of the plant sets in. The viperwolf whimpers in guilt and licks my cheek causing me to giggle before it gestures to its cue. I nod knowing it wanted me to make the connection and I did so. (AN: Bold is going to be the creatures talking through the link and Angel's mental responses are going to be in '' like her thoughts.) Thank you for helping me. The voice that I hear from the creature is quite young like that of a young teenager. 'It was no problem, little one. I'm just sorry my stupid older brother hurt you in the first place. Do you have a name?' The young viperwolf shakes its head before looking down. My parents were killed not long after I was born so I am alone in the pack. 'I could give you a name if you'd like.'  Would you really? I smile at the creature in front of me and I think. 'I've been calling you little one this whole time so how about the name Koji?' The viperwolf thinks it over. I like that a lot! Thank you.

I give the young creature a big smile before it drops hearing my name being called frantically, "Lina! Angelina! Where are you?!"

That's Jake's voice so I answer, "Jay over here." it doesn't take long for Jake to come into view followed behind a Na'vi woman. When Jake sees me he automatically pulls me into a big hug separating my queue from Koji's. The young viperwolf growls menacingly at Jake. "It's okay, Koji. This is my older brother, Jake," I say soothing him. Koji ceases his growling but it starts up again when Jake pushes me behind him and holds up his knife to the wolf. "Jacob Sully you better put down that knife and step away from him now before I kick you straight between the legs and I don't care if I get nieces and nephews or not," I threaten. Jake stands down, "Now Jake give me your shirt and tie it around my wrist please," I ask/demand.

Jake takes his shirt off then looks down at my wrist. "What the hell happened? Did that thing do this?" Jake asks looking accusingly at Koji.

"That thing is named Koji and he didn't mean to do this. He snapped at me while I was healing the wound that YOU inflicted on him because I wasn't just going to let him suffer because of your stupidity. I told you that the viperwolves would be attracted to that stupid torch that you made but you didn't listen to me. You seem to forget that I know the creatures of Pandora like the back of my hand because unlike Grace and Norm I studied for three years to learn about the creatures here not the plant life. You also seem to forget that I know more about Pandora than you do so what I say has merit. But no you can't get off your high horse and listen to your little sister, now can you Jacob?" I sneer at him. I have never argued with either of my brothers before but I am sick of Jake not listening to me.

Jake stood there with his mouth open in shock. I roll my eyes at him before turning to the Na'vi woman behind him. "I'm sorry you had to witness that. My name is Angelina but you can call me Angel, and you are?"

The Na'vi woman smiles at me gently, "My name is Neytiri. Did you really heal this creature?" I nodded and her smile grew, "Thank you, the rest of his pack were killed saving this nimwit but I am glad one of them survived."

Koji nudges my leg with his head so I make the connection with him so I can understand him. Does that mean I'm alone now? I can hear the sadness in his voice and I feel sorry for the cub. 'You don't have to be, Koji. You can stay by my side if you want to.'  Really? I nod at him. Then I want to stay with you. Would that make you my mom? I smile at the young viperwolf beside me, 'Only if you want me to be.' I unlink us as I see two Atokirina coming down from the trees and landing on Koji and my hair. Mom what's happening. I hear Koji ask. 'Koji we aren't linked so how can I understand you? I guess this is Eywa's way of showing us that she approves of me taking you in.' I giggle as Neytiri begins to walk away with Jake calling after her to wait and with me and Koji following behind them. 

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