Fighting to Regain What's Ours

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I come into the room after going to the bathroom and throwing up. 'I think I may be coming down with something.' I sit next to Jake and notice that he, Norm, are Trudy are getting their guns ready so I put my full attention on what Max is telling us. "Guys, it's crazy here. It's full mobilization. They're rigging the shuttle as a bomber. It's for some kind of shock-and-awe campaign. Quartrich has taken over. He's rolling, and there's no stopping him," he explains.

"When?" Jake asks.

"O600 tomorrow. I gotta go," Max says then cuts off the video feed.

We all turn to each other and Norm exclaims, "We're screwed!"

Trudy chuckles, "And I was hoping for some sort of tactical plan that didn't involve martyrdom. We're going up against gunships with bows and arrows."

Jake shakes his head, "I have 15 clans out there. That's over 2,000 warriors. Now, we know these mountains. We fly them. You fly them. They don't. Their instruments won't work up here. Missile tracking won't work. They'll have to fire a line of sight. If they bring the fight to us, then we have the home-field advantage."

"You know he's gonna commit that bomber straight to the Tree of Souls," Trudy says with a shake of her head.

"Yeah, I know," Jake answers.

"If they get to the Tree of Souls, it's over. That's their direct line to Eywa, their ancestors. It'll destroy them," Norm says.

'Stay and protect the Tree of Souls, young one. You must protect the Tree and also the little gift growing inside of your body.'

I jump at the voice in my head and ask unsurely and in disbelief, 'Eywa?'

'Yes, young one. I ask of you please stay behind and protect the Tree of Souls. It is what is best for you and the Omaticaya. Please protect the little girl growing inside you.'

'I'm not sick....I'm pregnant?!? Tsu'tey and I are having a daughter?' I place my hand on my stomach and tell the others, "I will gather a small group and we will stay and protect the Tree of Souls. It is our best option."

Jake nods, "Sounds good, Lina."

(Time Skip brought to you by Franky and his Cola)

Jake and I link up and go our separate ways I am going to spend time with my mate and he is going to the Tree of Souls. I open eyes in my link only to see that Tsu'tey is already awake and staring at me. I smile at him which he returns and gives me a short kiss. I giggle, "Goodmorning to you too, my warrior." He chuckles and goes to get up but I grab his arm causing him to look at me. "Can we just stay here? A lot can happen tomorrow and I just want to spend this time with you," I ask.

"Of course, my love," Tsu'tey answers as he lays back down and wraps his arms around me.

I lay my head on his chest and think, 'Should I tell him?' "Tsu'tey?"


"Please don't get killed tomorrow. I don't know what the kids or I would do without you," I tell him.

He places a kiss on my head and says, "I'm not going anywhere, my love."

'He doesn't need to be worrying about me so I will tell him after.' Tsu'tey and I stay like that all day talking occasionally until I go to sleep and return to my link bay to prepare for tomorrow.

(Time Skip brought to you by Three Sword Style)

I hug Tsu'tey close with Taku in my arms too and Koji by my side as the warrior prepare to leave. "I love you, my warrior. Please come back to us after this is all over."

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