Cry of the Omaticaya

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(AN: Hello, Lovelies! I have seen all of the suggested ship names for Tsu'tey and Angelina and it seems that many of you agreed on one that you liked. So here it is. *Drum roll*...Tsu'lina! I am so glad that many of you commented your thoughts and that you all are still here enjoying this. It means so much to me that y'all are enjoying what I am putting out here! Thank you guys and stay lovely! Now let's get onto the story.)

I struggle against the soldiers holding me yelling at them as they throw us in a holding cell. I am now sitting in Jake's lap with my head hidden in the crook of his neck once again as he rubs my back. Jake suddenly turns around and Norm and Grace jump to their feet. I lift my head to see Trudy knock the guard out with the butt of her gun. Max runs in and lets us out and we all run after Trudy as she leads us to the 'copter. We place on our exo-packs and climb preparing for take off. As Grace is getting in we are suddenly getting shot at. Jake and Norm are cheering when I look over and see Grace with blood on her hand saying, "This is going to ruin my whole day."

I place my hands on Grace's wound to help stop the bleeding as Norm rushes to get the trauma kit, "Come on, Grace you are going to be fine. You are a fighter after all," I try to encourage. We eventually make it to the base and we get Grace settled in a link bed with her wounds wrapped. I am with Jake and Grace while Norm is with Trudy. Jake is giving Grace something for her pain in a shot. She mockingly says, "Ouch" after he gives her the shot. "You big baby, you were just shot and this is when you say ouch," I dryly tease.

Jake checks her wound, "We are gonna get you some help, Grace."

"I'm a scientist, remember? I don't believe in fairy tales," she says.

"The People can help you. I know it," Jake reassures her.

We land nearby the tree of souls in the jungles of Pandora. Jake and I get into our links and open our eyes in our separate bodies. I open my eyes and observe my surroundings. I am laying next to the tree of souls with Koji and Tsu'tey protectively beside me. I bolt upright catching Koji's attention first. "Koji where is your brother?" I ask him slightly frantically. He is with Mo'at I will go get her. I nod at him and he runs off to get the Tsahik.

"I was worried when I saw you lying unconscious when I returned," Tsu'tey says causing me to divert my attention to him.

I look in his eyes and I can see how worried he was. I scoot closer to him and lay my head on his shoulder causing his tense body to relax as he lays his head on top of mine. "They only gave us an hour to convince you to leave Hometree then they pulled the plug on us forcing us back to our bodies. After that, they locked us up but we were able to escape and are now in hiding. However...Grace...she was shot during our escape and may die soon," I state as I begin to tear up.

Tsu'tey wraps his arm around my waist in comfort just as Koji runs over with Mo'at trailing behind him with my baby in her arms. I smile as she places him in my waiting arms, "Thank you, Angel. For all that you've done for The People. You will forever be one of us." Mo'at then walks away to help the injured once again.

My eyes shift to the baby in my arms who is just now waking up and looks up at me curiously. "Who is this little one?" Tsu'tey asks.

I look away from my little boy and meet the eyes of my mate, "This is Taku. As we were evacuating I found his mother gravely injured from protecting him and she asked me to take him in as my own. If you would have him as well he would be your son."

Tsu'tey smiles as he reaches down to the baby allowing him to hold his finger with his little hand. I cannot help the huge smile that crosses my face at his gentleness toward him. "Hi there, Taku. I'm your father," Tsu'tey says to him. Does that mean he is my daddy too? Tsu'tey jumps and I look at him curiously. "Where did that voice come from?" He asks. I smile in realization. You can hear me?

"That would be Koji. It would seem as though Eywa has accepted you as his father as she did me his mother," I state as I gesture to the Atokirina on his shoulder.

"I didn't even notice it," Tsu'tey says in awe as he watches it leave his shoulder and fly away. "I now have two sons and an amazing mate. What more could I ask for?" I smile at him when our moment is interrupted by a loud screech causing Tsu'tey to jump up prepared to face a threat.

"Well there's your uncle," I say playfully to Taku and Koji.

Jake flys in on Taruk making him the next legendary Taruk Macto. Jake lands and then dismounts Taruk walking through the crowd of Omaticaya as they watch him in wonder. Neytiri meets him and says softly, "I See you."

Jake gives a half smile and replies, "I See you,"

Jake caresses Neytiri's face affectionately as she speaks, "I was afraid, Jake. For my people. I'm not anymore."

Jake smiles at her in forgiveness before turning to my mate, "Tsu'tey, son of Ateyo...I stand before you...ready to serve the Omaticaya people. You are Olo'eytukan, and you are a great warrior. I can't do this without you.

Tsu'tey looks at Taruk and then his eyes trail to me as I hold Taku who is once again sleeping peacefully in my arms. I nod at my mate and he turns to my brother placing a firm hand over his heart, "Taruk Macto, I will fly with you."

"My friend is dying. Grace is dying," Jake says and I look down in sadness being reminded once again of the situation Grace is in.

I stand with Taku and place myself beside Jake, "We beg the help of Eywa."

(Time Skip Brought to you by the Ero-Cook himself... Sanji)

I walk beside Jake as he carries Grace's body and Norm carries her avatar to the tree of souls and everyone chants. "We're here, Grace," I say.

"Look where we are, Grace" Jake prompts.

Grace looks around in wonder before saying in astonishment, "I need to take some samples." Jake chuckles slightly before placing her down next to her avatar. I sit beside her and hold her hand.

"The Great Mother may choose to save all that she is in this body," Mo'at explains.

"Is that possible?" Jake questions.

Mo'at gives an unsure look, "She must pass through the eye of Eywa and return. But, Jake Sully, Angel, she is very weak."

"Hang on, Grace. They're gonna fix you up," Jake comforts her as he sits beside me.

"You've got this, Grace. You are one of the strongest women I know. You have become a motherly figure to Jake and I and I thank you for that now you need to live so that you can see your illegitimate grandsons grow up," I encourage.

Suddenly Grace wakes up and reaches for Jake's hand with her free one. "Jake, Angel?" She calls us.

"Grace," We answer letting her know we are here.

"I'm with her. She's real!" she says before her eyes go unfocused and her hands go limp in ours.

Jake calls to her but I just drop her hand and begin to cry. Tsu'tey comes over and pulls me into his arms letting me cry into his chest as he rubs soothing circles on my back. I force myself to stop crying since I know she wouldn't want me to "waste my tears on her" and turn my head to Jake but still staying in my mate's arms needing the comfort. Jake is walking towards us with Neytiri when I look up, "With your permission, I will speak now. You would honor me by translating."

Tsu'tey nods to him and kisses me on the forehead before letting me go and standing tall by my brother's side to translate. My brother begins his speech, "The Sky People have sent us a message...that they can take whatever they want...and no one can stop them. Well, we will send them a message. You ride out as fast as the wind can carry you. You tell the other clans to come. You tell them Taruk Macto calls to them. And you fly now with me! My brothers! Sisters! And we will show the Sky People that they cannot take whatever they want and that this, this is our land!" The Omaticaya People all begin to cheer and I smile brightly knowing that everything will work out. Jake and Neytiri mount Taruk and begin to fly off. Tsu'tey and I kiss the heads of our boys before leaving them in Mo'at's care and then calling our respective Ikrans. When Iaam arrives with Tsu'tey's Ikran he nuzzles my head showing me he missed me. I pat his head before making tsaheylu and Tsu'tey and I fly after my brother to rally the clans. 

I Hear You, My WarriorHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin