Pandora's Jungle

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'I don't know who the idiot was that gave my brother a gun...but they're an idiot.' Jake, Norm, Grace and I get on the helicopter in our avatar bodies and we're being taken deep into the jungles of Pandora so that we can help Grace research some of the plant life. My brother and another soldier have guns to help ensure our "safety". 'I already know giving my brother a gun was a bad idea.' Once we board the helicopter the pilot turns to us, "Hi there, I'm Trudy and I will be in charge of getting you there safely I've already asked Marine over here to handle one of the door guns so let's hope he doesn't get too trigger happy." I giggle at my brother's slight pout.

"Hi, Trudy. It's good to meet you," I say with a smile.

Trudy smiles at me, "I like you kid."

I smile at Trudy before turning to my brother, What did Colonel Quaritch want?

He just wanted to tell me to be careful and help protect you guys. Nothing big, Lina. I nod before looking out the window and marvel at the view until we land.

(Time Skip brought to you by "...I Hate Snakeu!")

Trudy lands the 'copter and we all jump out with me sticking to Jake's side. Grace turns to the soldier that came with us and told him to stay with the ship because "one idiot with a gun is enough" which caused me to chuckle. We begin to explore away from the helicopter and for some unknown reason, Jake let with me by him and Norm and Grace behind us. The trees around us begin to rustle and my dear, dear brother's response was to automatically raise his weapon. I reach up and push the gun down while shooting him "the look". "Jake, those are called Prolemuris and they aren't aggressive. I will let you know when to shoot so you don't kill an innocent creature. Got it?" I say with an attitude.

Jake raises his hands in surrender and we resume out exploration with Grace now in the lead and Norm trailing behind us. "So, how will they know we're here?" Norm asks.

"I'm sure they're watching us right now," Grace answers as we enter a small shack. "This was our school. Now it's just... storage. The kids were so bright. Eager to learn. They picked up English faster than I could teach it," Grace reminisces. I help pick up some of the books off of the ground but I didn't fail to notice the look on Grace's face when Jake mentioned the bullet holes in the wall. 'Something horrible happened here.'

Once we have everything gathered we begin trekking through the woods again. Norm and Grace are observing the roots of a tree and I would be doing the same but I didn't want to leave Jake's side and I also had to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. I follow Jake away from the other two and we come across a group of spiral-like mushroom organisms. Jake curiously touched one of the plants and it automatically shrank into the ground. I giggled at Jake's fascination as he keeps poking them until they all shrink revealing a Hammerhead Titanothere. "Crap, Jake!" I say as I pull Jake a few steps back. The Titanothere roars and Jake automatically lifts his gun. "Jake, no! You can't shoot it!" I try to stop him.

"Angel's right Jake don't shoot or you'll piss him off," Grace says as she and Norm hide behind some trees nearby.

Jake pushes me back a step before replying, "It's already pissed off."

"Jay, you can't shoot through its armor. Its too thick," I inform him. Jake pulls the gun away from his target and continued to stand protectively in front of me.

"It's a territorial threat display. Do not run, or he'll charge," Grace informs him.

Jake sarcastically replies, "So, what do I do, dance with it?"

I roll my eyes, "Not the time, Jay. Just hold your ground."

The Titanothere charges forward but Jake meets him halfway while shouting to intimidate it causing it to back off slightly making Jake a bit cocky, "Yeah? Come on! What you got? Oh, yeah. Who's bad? That's right. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about, b****." The Titanothere flees. 'Something isn't right.'

Jake keeps taunting the Titanothere when I suddenly hear movement behind us. I slowly turn around and see a horrifying sight, "Umm, Jake?" Jake turns slowly hearing the fear in my voice. A Thanator stands tall and proud behind us. The beast let out a massive roar before leaping over our heads.

Jake lifts up his gun and asks, "So what about this one? Run? Don't run? What?"

I grab Jake's hand and say, "Definitely run!" Jake and I run as fast as we can with the Thanator following close behind us. We finally come across a tree that's roots are raised and Jake pulls me under them. It's not long before the Thanator is clawing and snapping at the roots. I cry out as the beast's claws catch my shoulder but I push the pain aside as Jake and I roll away from the creature and Jake starts shooting until the Thanator steals the gun away from him and throws it.

Jake pushes me forward and we escape the roots and Jake tells me, "Run! Don't look back and don't stop!"

As I follow Jake's orders I come across a waterfall automatically jumping into the depths of the water below. Once I reach the surface again I see Jake jumping off of the cliff with the Thanator barely missing him by an inch. After surfacing Jake swims over to where I'm holding onto a branch. "Lina, are you okay?" Jake asks breathlessly.

I wince as the adrenaline begins to wear off leaving me victim to the pain, "Let's get to shore then we will see."

We make it to shore and I look down at my shoulder and what is left of my purple tank top. Seeing what lies under it causes me to see slight black spots due to the gruesomeness of the wound. Through the tears, you can see I have three deep scratches spanning from my left shoulder to my right hip. "Crap! Take off what's left of your tank so we can use that as bandages and you can wear my jacket over them," Jake advises.

I pull my tank off and Jake cut off what he needed then wrapped my shoulder before I wrapped what remained over my bra and upper body to be similar to a crop top so I was a little more covered under Jake's jacket. My wound is in so much pain but there is no helping it. All that matters right now is surviving.

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