Meeting the Na'vi

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Jake finally caught up to Neytiri and did what Jake always does...opened his stupid mouth, "I just wanted to say thanks for killing those things."

I facepalm as Neytiri rears around and slaps him with her bow knocking him on his butt, "Jake killing the viperwolves isn't a thing to be thankful for. Having to kill an innocent creature for no reason is a sad thing, not something that requires thanks," I scold my older brother.

Neytiri nods her head at me, "What she said is true; this is very sad only."

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. Whatever I did, I'm sorry," Jake says as he holds up a hand in surrender.

"All this is your fault. They did not need to die," Neytiri explains.

Jake looks at her in confusion, "My fault? They attacked me. How am I the bad guy?"

"If you had listened to me you wouldn't have the blood of innocent creatures on your's or Neytiri's hands," I say under my breath. 'I am still angry with him if you couldn't tell.'

"You are like a baby. Making noise, don't know what to do," Neytiri says.

I laugh that Jake was being compared to a baby but that just earns me a glare from him. I brush off his glare as he begins to get up and face the female Na'vi. "Fine. Fine. If you love your little forest friends, why not let them just kill my a**? What's the thinking?"

"Why save you?" Neytiri asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, why save me?" Jake repeats.

Neytiri's face softens as she answers, "You have a strong heart. No fear." After saying this her eyes harden once again in a scolding manner, "But stupid! Ignorant like a child."

Neytiri turns and begins to walk once again and Jake looks back at me smirking to which I respond sassily, "I don't know why you're looking at me like you made a move there. She just called you a child." On this note, I jog to catch up with Neytiri with Koji by my side and Jake trying to catch up.

"Well if I'm like a child, then...Look, maybe you should teach me?" Jake offers.

"Sky people cannot learn. You do not See. All except maybe Angel for she seems to see the will of Eywa at work," Neytiri says gesturing to me.

"Thank you," I thank her gently.

Neytiri nods before turning her attention back to Jake, "Well, then teach me how to See."

"No one can teach you to See, Jake," I try to explain.

"Look, come on, can't we talk?" Jake pleads with Neytiri. "Say, where'd you learn to speak English? Dr. Augustine's school?"

As Jake is running on the branch trying to catch up to us he slips. "Jake!" I shout in fear.

Thankfully Neytiri grabs him by the arm and saved him, "You're like a baby."

I breathe a sigh of relief as I hug my brother around his waist showing him my fear of losing him and how I forgive him for making me angry earlier. Jake places his hand on my head and gives my forehead a kiss before turning to the female Na'vi saying gently, "I need your help."

"You should not be here," Neytiri says.

My brother pushes further, "Okay, take me with you."

I look down slightly at Neytiri's answer, "No! Go back."

I let go of Jake as he follows Neytiri saying, "No."
The Na'vi pushes my brother back demanding, "Go back." Suddenly her eyes are drawn upward and mine follow seeing some more Atokirina. Jake swats one away and both Neytiri and I grab his wrist scolding, "Don't!"

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