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"Melanie, stand down." Issac commanded, his voice emitting dominance. But Melanie didn't know how, she felt rage that she wasn't in control of. She felt as if she wanted to tear this newfound companion to shreds, despite the intellectual part of her saying he'll hurt her.

She lunged at him, attempting to make contact with his face. He easily blocked it, throwing her to the side. She slid back against the wall, up in a mere second ready to fight some more.

Issac was trying desperately to remain calm and not release his alpha, but he was getting tired of playing defensive.

"Melanie, I'm warning you." He snarled, flashing his canines to show that he wasn't playing. Still, this was a small bump in Mel's train of thoughts.

She charged again, but this time was met with a powerful blow to her ribs and a bite to the neck. She yelped out, cowering on the ground. She only remained in wolf form for a few more seconds before Issac came and stood over her.

His eyes were blood red as he let out a loud roar. Somehow, Melanie understood what he was saying.

Shift, now.

Her wolf felt no more need to fight against him, and she slowly changed back to a human. She stared up at Issac, who now crouched down next to her. His eyes were no longer red, and his canines were now just human teeth.

And Melanie, well was completely horrified at the fact that she was naked in front of this stranger.

Issac's irritation turned to concern when Melanie began freaking out. And it was bad. She was breathing so fast that even Issac felt dizzy, and she looked around the room as if she looked for an escape. There wasn't a second where her demeanor was even near scared.

She was beyond scared. This girl was panicked passed belief. And Issac had no fucking clue what was wrong with her.

Issac went to grab her but she screamed.

"Get away!"

Pools and pools of tears now came out of her eyes, as flashbacks of being naked around Joe came back. It was now fresh in her head, remembering all of the times her forced her to do stuff with or to him. She remembered how he'd force himself into her, ignoring her pleas to stop.

And being naked in front of Issac seemed to rip open memories like a scab on a wound. She couldn't fathom that Issac was nothing like Joe, she thought most men were the same.

One bad guy had ruined all guys for her.

And Issac sat on the ground, hearing every thought that ran rampant in her head. He felt every brutal memory that she felt, in his own body, wondering how one girl had endured so much and still made it out.

Issac had to pull her back, gather her attention for just long enough to calm down.

"Melanie!" He shouted, and it was just enough to cause her to freeze. She stared at Issac with bloodshot eyes and a blotchy face. "Here." He said, giving her his jacket. Melanie hesitated for a brief second before she quickly tossed it over her head.

"Thank you," She whispered. She didn't look at Issac, instead she just stared at the ground. Her heart felt heavy and defeated, and she really wished she had just died last night.

"Don't wish that," Issac interrupted. Melanie snapped her head up in surprise, wondering if he'd just heard what she thought. And if he did that meant-

"Yes, I heard everything." Issac answered Melanie, who now had a face of horror. "And I swear on my own life that that fucker won't be around much longer. I will destroy him before he even touches one more hair on your head, shred him and scatter his bones. Do you understand me? I'm going to protect you, no matter what."

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