At Last a Haven

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Last chapter you guys :/ And it's probably a shorter one but a freaking good one! I just want you all to know that I love you guys more than any fucking thing in this entire world!!
The year had overlapped, changing back into fall. In Maine, the leaves had already fully changed colors, morphing their world into a place filled with oranges and reds and yellows of all sorts.

In addition to the first day of fall, this was also the one year anniversary of Melanie's change. She had officially been a wolf for a year now, and oh how her life had changed drastically.

Melanie could say that she no longer was haunted by the memories that Joe left for her, she was no longer a scared child who expected protection from anyone around her. And though her trust issues were still there, they had faded to the point that Melanie sometimes forgot she had them.

So to celebrate this day of thanks, Melanie laid by the lake, morphed into her wolf form and just taking in her surroundings.

Her coat gently blew in the direction that the wind blew it, cooling her naturally warmed body. But it didn't bother her, as a matter of fact Melanie loved the feeling of the cold air against her. On top of the cold air, she embraced the occasional spray of the morning lake water against her face.

How it had been so long since she was in werewolf form, she had almost forgotten she was one.

She forgot that being in werewolf form could be used for more than just fighting, it could be used to see the world in a different way. But Melanie had only ever used it for fighting. Granted, the fighting made her and her wolf into warrior's. But it had also stolen a piece of her mind which would take time to get back.

As Melanie laid at the edge of the lake, she was greeted by the feeling of another wolf laying in front of her.

Issac was shifted into his gigantic wolf, and currently laid so that him and Melanie were facing each other. He began to talk to her in wolf form.

Happy one year.

This had two meanings, rather than one. The first meaning was obvious, it was the one year for Melanie's change date. But the other reason was more important to the both of them. It was also the one year anniversary of the pair meeting.

You too. Melanie answered, nesting her head under Issac's chin. It felt like home when she did that, and his body heat against hers had made it even more homily.

This place is beautiful. Melanie said, feeling Issac silently agree. They'd both felt this place was much better than their last, and there had been so many more opportunities here.

They had even added three new pack members to their pack, and hoped to add even more.

They had added a set of mates and the shewolf's brother.

And the members in this group were named Alexandra, Dylan, and Sean.

Three wolves had split off from their original, dysfunctional pack to find a place in Issac's pack. They found asylum after a time of war, and they were greatly welcomed into the pack.

But even thiese new additions still didn't fill the holes left by Payton, Jess, and Zeus. Payton specifically left a horribly large hole in Melanie's life, who still struggled to forgive herself.

It might be that way for years to come, and possibly up until Melanie had succumbed to old age as well.

With Melanie's guilt still stuck in her mind, the group did the best to keep her distracted and happy. They made sure to never mention it around her, except Issac who occasionally talked about it with her.

And despite these minor issues, their lives changed for the better.

They each had a family that they hadn't had before, and they each had a home that they could return to every night.

Melanie and Issac now had a home in each other, and it was a home that would never leave them.

The story of the Alpha and his Shewolf had finally come true, and for now, their story had a happy ending.


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