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TRIGGER WARNING: Sexual assault
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Leaves crunched beneath two pairs of feet, two bodies walking through the woods on a cool October morning.

It was the end of October, the point in the year where all of the trees were bare and the remainder of the leaves would be gone soon. It was that time of October when excitement was in the air.

It was the morning of Halloween.

Now normally Melanie would've spent this night with Payton, in front of a tv, stuffing their faces with candy.

However, tonight would be spent in Issac's apartment, chained to a pipe. This wasn't just any regular Halloween night, it was also the night of a full moon.

Melanie's very first full moon.

"You think you have control issues now? Just wait until the full moon," He has said. This was last night when Melanie had desperately fought to have just one night to herself, one night away from Issac.

But as her alpha, he commanded that she stayed with him.

"For your protection and others," He worded it.

You could bet Melanie was pissed, she felt as if Issac was always going to be with her. And both fortunately and unfortunately, he would.

Melanie argued for hours with him, trying everything possible to convince him.

But what she didn't understand was why Issac wasn't going to let her go. Issac was worried that Mel would blow her cover tonight and end up dead, with an arrow or bullet through her skull.

And despite what Mel thought, Issac actually really enjoyed having her around. But he couldn't do that if she wasn't alive.

So there the pair was, walking through the woods to Melanie's house. They were picking up some of her clothes so she could at least be comfortable when she was tied up.

"Remind me why you won't even buy me some candy to eat tonight?" Melanie questioned Issac, who glanced down at her and shrugged.

"When you've shifted, or are about to shift, you won't want candy," He explained, "You'll want to kill."

Melanie rolled her eyes, ready to speak again when Issac halted. Melanie ran straight into his back, but Issac paid no attention to that. He was more focused on the smell of another wolf in the area. Specifically, the same smelling wolf that attacked Melanie. He looked at her, but she had already taken notice too.

"Is that another wolf?" She whispered. Issac didn't even answer, but when Melanie looked at him, he was already in wolf form.

She could sense his angst and his anticipation, and when the other wolf appeared in front of them, hell broke loose.

The two wolves charged at each other, Issac protecting Melanie from the rogue wolf which had set its sights on her. She watched, frozen with panic not knowing what to do.

She heard Issac yelling at her in her head to run, but her feet wouldn't move. It's like they weren't connected to her brain which was begging her to get the hell away.

But then the unthinkable happened, Melanie started to shift. She kept telling herself not to, but despite every dying wish, her own body wouldn't listen. Her body became a machine which was being run by something else. A programmed killer which felt nothing but anger.

She charged at the wolf, who was locked on top of Issac. She hit it like a football player would the opposing team.

They both went tumbling in a heap of fur and snarls, aiming hits at wherever was easiest. For a short period of time, it seemed as if Melanie was winning. After all, she was actually bigger than the wolf she was fighting. But she was also  very inexperienced.

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