Sunset Lovers

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How's everyone doing? I don't really have anything to put in the AN, so just enjoy the story and leave some feedback !
For the third time this week, Melanie sat at the pond. This seemed to be her favorite place to relax, to think.

It was always so silent here, aside from the occasional bird chirp or the herd of deer that charged through here. It was a safe haven for Melanie.

But today it wasn't. Today she wasn't relaxing, she was mainly just thinking. She thought about how her time left to live was dwindling, and how her friends lives without her would be.

Would they miss her? Yes. But would they be able to move on, to forget about her. Yes.

Melanie knew that her friends would be devastated with her sacrifice, and she knew that they would try to stop her once they found out.

She didn't care though, she cared more about keeping them alive and safe. She thought more about how she'd rather be dead than them. She'd rather think of herself as a corpse. And that made her decision ten times easier to cope with.

"Melanie," Someone said. Melanie turned to see Issac, just as he sat down next to her. She could tell that something was up by the way he was staring at her. She could tell that he'd figured out her plan to turn herself in.

"Hi, Issac." Melanie responded, smiling softly at Issac. He didn't smile back though, instead he kept his frown. He didn't hide the fact that he was beyond angry.

"I won't let you do it," Issac spoke. His voice sounded raw, like he'd just spent the past two hours crying. If that was the case, him and Melanie were on the same boat.

She really had just spent a long time crying. She cried to the point that she had no more tears in her eyes.

"You can't stop me."

Those words came from Melanie, sounding a lot less harsh than they should have been. She wanted Issac to leave her so she could make her choice without feeling guilty. Still, Issac shook his head.

"I can," Issac paused, "I'm your alpha."

Melanie slipped her hand between Issac's, staring apologetically at him.

"You are my alpha, and it's my job to protect my alpha." Melanie said, watching Issac shake his head once again.

"No. No Melanie, you're not doing this. You're not going to die!" Issac yelled, tears forming inside of his eyes. It hurt Melanie to see him like this, to see him vulnerable. She was so used to being the one to cry, but now it was Issac who was crying.

"I have to," Her voice quivered, "I have to do this Issac. People will die if I don't, you will die if I don't."

She dropped her head onto Issac's shoulder in defeat, wishing that there was another choice. But there wasn't, at least not one that Melanie knew of.

"Melanie, you don't get it," Issac said, "I can't live without you. I don't want to live without you."

His words hit Melanie, bringing tears to her already pained eyes. She let them fall without hesitation.

"You'll get through it," Melanie replied, "You'll find someone else, someone better."

Mel was trying her best to sound optimistic, to sound like this wasn't hurting her too. But it was, it was hurting her way more than Issac knew.

She didn't want to leave Issac here alone, she didn't want to cause him pain. She knew that she was doing that though, and that killed her emotionally.

"Please don't do this. Please just stay with me," Issac begged, "Melanie, I..."

Despite his voice trailing off, Melanie knew what he was trying to say. She knew that their short time, yet powerful time together had driven him to feel things for her.

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