Goodbye Home

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Welcome back!! Last two chapters are coming up. It's been a great ride with everyone, but it's almost over. But hey, I'll have some new stories coming out soon!
What should I write about? Another werewolf story or try something different?
"That's the last box," Issac said. He closed the trunk of the truck, and turned to face Melanie who frowned. She frowned because what was left of the chard house that was once their home, was now packed tightly in to a few large boxes.

Everything else was lost in the fire.

"You ready to go?" Issac asked Melanie, who hesitated before she nodded. Issac looked to the rest of the group who nodded as well.

"Well then, let's load up," He said.

The group filled into their own cars, and Melanie went in with Issac. She turned to look one last time, knowing that she wouldn't ever see this place again. She knew that she would never be able to visit Payton's grave, or Jess's or Zeus's. And that weighed on her mind like bricks.

After a minute of staring, she looked forward once she felt the truck engine start.

No amount of time had prepared her for this big change, for the move across the country. Though she had known about this change since she'd graduated, she never thought it would actually come.

Yet it did, fast and out of nowhere. Now they were driving, eighteen hours, straight through. They were driving with tired hearts, ready to just settle down. And where were they settling down?

The quiet town of Orono, Maine.

It was the town by the river, which spanned out hundreds of square miles and seemed to enclose the town. Like a fence, it gave a feeling of protection and isolation.

That's exactly what the pack was looking for.

They sought out the least relevant town they could think of, with a smaller population than the place they'd previously been. They wanted to feel safer together, and maybe even add members to the pack.

After all, their pack had fallen in numbers, and so had their spirits.

Melanie's spirit suffered the greatest hit, with Payton's death still picking at her brain. And not to forget Jess and Zeus, who had died because of a situation she'd caused.

Her soul which was previously progressing and becoming better, had now sunk back into its cavity. That cavity was one that wasn't going to leave anytime soon.

Despite that though, Issac had made a silent promise. He made a promise that stated that he would protect Melanie more than anyone, that Melanie's health was his number one concern.

He put her before anyone he'd ever known.

Issac turned to look at Melanie as they drove, before turning back to the road.

"I love you," He said.

Melanie glanced over at him as well with a small grin, her brown eyes lighting up.

"I love you too."

They both stared at each other momentarily with warm faces of love.

"This will be good for us," Issac said, "It'll be a chance to start over. A chance to erase everything that happened in your life."

Melanie had this hope as well, the hope that signified Melanie's recovery.

She wanted to feel better and to forget about the past years. She was eager to leave her drunken dad behind, who sadly would never care that she was gone. She was eager to leave all of the bodies buried beneath the willow, under the willow.

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