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Hope you all don't hate me for last chapter...anyways in the picture is a tribute for our fallen angel, Payton.
Enjoy the chapter.
Melanie's mind seemed empty, like there was a numbness in her mind that she didn't want to shake. She knew that if she tried to feel something, that everything would come crashing down on her. It would all feed into her already weakened heart.

She stared out of the window in the bedroom, watching as the rain poured down outside. She was trying her best to avoid thinking about the incident, or even thinking about anything at all. For the more she thought, the heavier her heart became.

She watched the rain, wondering if this was heaven's way of crying, wondering if the angels were shedding tears for Melanie's best friend.

Even if they were, it didn't matter to Melanie. The only thing that mattered was keeping the guilt away, and she did that by turning her human emotions off. She wasn't prepared to feel the guilt that she knew she would feel, so she postponed it as much as she could.

She heard the door crack open, but she didn't turn her head. She already knew that it was Issac coming in to see if she was alright, like he'd been doing for the past two hours.

Issac felt sick to his stomach for Melanie, she'd just watched her best friend bleed out in her arms. And she couldn't do anything about it. He wasn't sure how this would affect Melanie, but he truly believed that it would hit her harder than anything.

And he worried for her, he worried that she might not ever be the same.

"Melanie," He spoke. His voice was soft and comforting, as he approached her slowly. She didn't turn her head though, instead she just stared out the window. "I came in here to check on you."

Still, nothing came from Melanie. Issac turned to go out of the door, wanting to give her the space that he thought she needed. But she began to speak, making him halt in his tracks.

"I don't understand," Melanie spoke, "I don't understand why it had to be her."

Melanie finally turned to look at him with a tearful face, and it broke Issac's heart to see her beautiful face stained with mascara and purple bags resting under her eyes.

She looked like she was close to breaking down, and Issac felt as if there was nothing he could say or do to prevent it.

"All she ever did was protect me, and love me and be there for me," Melanie mumbled, "And I killed her."


Melanie cut Issac off.

"No, don't you dare say that I didn't kill her." Melanie said, choking on a sob. She was no longer able to stop any of the guilt, as it came flooding into her mind. "Don't say it."

Issac watched in pain as the girl he loved finally caved, she finally let the pain in.

The tears that originally came out of her eyes slowly, now fell faster than the raindrops outside. She cried loudly, clutching at her chest as if she was trying to rip the guilt out of herself.

Issac rushed over to her, pulling her into a hug.

"It's my fault!" She sobbed, pressing her face into Issac's chest. She hung onto him like her world was ending, and maybe to her it really was. "I can't do this!"

Melanie ripped out of their hug, grabbing everything should could reach and throwing it. Since she was back in her own house for the first time in a month, she could destroy anything that she wanted.

She grabbed at hair products, pictures, lotion bottles, and even her computer. Everything that she grabbed ended up ruined until Issac grabbed both of her hands.

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