[76] House of Illusions

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"Are you sure we're the only ones down here?"

"Of course."

Eddie went to take the blindfold off and Patricia rushed forward and pushed him into the next chamber forgetting the only rule Camilla had told them she had; she goes into the next chamber first so they all can walk out again. In doing so they all saw huge statues of Jackal turn towards Eddie their eyes glowing red.

"Eddie!" Patricia screamed and launched herself at the boy knocking him and herself to the ground. Just in time as well as the two statues turned, the khopesh swords they where holding coming swinging down too clashing together right in the spot Eddie's head once was.

"Ow!" Eddie groaned as Patricia landed on him.

"You were about to lose your head!" the girl worriedly told him, hitting his chest as if mad she had almost lost him. "I mean..." the girl paused as she realised what she had said, "bang your head, low ceilings."

Camilla nudged her brother and nodded to the Jackal statues their eyes fading. Whatever they where they clearly were a first warning and whatever power they had was now gone.

"Thanks?" Eddie responded to the girl on him, "I guess... well I guess this is cosy." He went to take the blindfold off again but was stopped by Patricia.

"no! you can't take that off yet." She told him grabbing his wrist, "I'm not ready... I'm glossing. Anyway, there Is somewhere else I need to take you," with that the girl got to her feet and carefully guided Eddie to his, the Sibuna's knowing that was their cue to slowly leave the task chamber. "so, let's go."

"your acting weirder than normal," Eddie told the girl as Patricia led him to the secret passage in the task room, "you know, that right?"

The moment the pair were out of sight the Sibuna's rushed to the statues.

"khopesh's..." Camilla whispered in awe looking at the metal swords in the statue's hands. "I've never seen one so..."

"clean, in use, not behind a display case..." Fabian offered for his twin but the same awe was in his voice.

"Cop-seesh?" Alfie asked for them all.

"khopesh, its an Ancient Egyptian sword," Camilla explained, "you see how it's curved from the middle to the end, it was so it could trap people's arms in battle or pull opponents shields away to better strike at them."

"Or chop Eddie's head off," Nina added in a panic. Only the twins would find a bobby trap excited.

Camilla ducked under the swords and led the way into the next chamber the Sibuna's following the Protector one by one. All of them looking in awe at the large looming Jackal statues as they passed them. In the middle of the room was a throne of some kind raised on a pedestal looking into the next room where there was a checker like red and white patterned flooring (or what Camilla assumed was once white if it wasn't for the dust now on it) and four more Jackal statues holding Khopesh swords these ones made of the same stone the statues were made off.

"Whoa..." Alfie spoke up as the five students all looked in at the large game from the room's entrance.

"so, this is the chamber of the mask..." Fabian excitedly spoke up looking around the chamber, none of them daring to step foot in just yet. "and the mask is..."

"not here!" Nina spoke up in a panic.

"No!" Amber cried.

"well, maybe there's another door?" Alfie offered going to step into the room but was stopped by Nina and Fabian.

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