[78] House of Pitfalls

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Fabian had finally pulled the odd bit of flooring up and underneath was a Senet board where the rules of the game had been scratched onto the back, which was why they were all now stood around looking at it.

"so, it's a cross between snakes and ladders, and checkers?" Patricia asked as she looked at the game board.

"Chekes and Chadders?," Amber looked at Camilla in alarm as Alfie started to jump up and down frantically, "no, Leckers," Alfie ran to the two girls and waved his hand across the air in front of them whilst saying, "Snakers!"

Fabian laughed slightly at Alfie's excitement before bringing the conversation back to the point, "look, the journey across the board represents the journey from this life through the duat into the afterlife." He explained.

"Hey," Nina told them all as she wandered into the library causing them all to turn to look at her. "how's it going? We need too –" before Nina could say anything Jasper wandered into the library holding the fake mask of Anubis they had conned Rufus into thinking was real.

"isn't that?" Camilla asked trying not to sound nervous but with one look to Fabian, the boy knew having the mask back had instantly caused the girl a little fear.

"mysteriously returned..." Jasper informed them as he looked over the mask. "no note or anything, and only slightly damaged,"

The Sibuna's all looked to Camilla, Amber taking the girls hand in fear.

Rufus knew they had lied. Camilla was in danger even more so than before.

"I've managed to restore it to its original state," Jasper told them missing the glances Camilla's way.

"That mean's Rufus knows it was a fake." Nina groaned slightly in frustration.

"it would appear so, yes," Jasper agreed with the girl.

"oh great," Amber spoke up, "so he's going to be very very disappointed and sniffing around for the real one."

"which means me and Fabian are in more danger than ever," Camilla added looking to Nina whose eyes widened before looking to Fabian in a panic as if she had forgotten that Rufus would use Fabian as a means to control Camilla.

"at least it's a good thing we managed to find Roberts Senet board tonight, then," Fabian explained trying to lift the mood showing Nina the board.

"Please let it be noted that I am the one who found it," Amber added as Nina let out a triumphant noise as she saw the board in Fabian's hands.

"no way!"

"and look," Fabian turned the board so the girl could see what was written on the back.

"are these the rules?" Fabian nodded at the girl's question causing a bright smile to grace her face.

"The only person other than our family," Fabian pointed to himself and Camilla, "who would know the true ancient rules to the game would be Frobisher."

"What about the key Trudy mentioned?" Nina asked them all, "the clue from the dollhouse."

"Well..." Fabian trailed off unsure of how to tell the girl they found nothing.

"if there even is a clue," Patricia spoke up raising her eyebrows. They were hunting around for something they didn't know was from Sarah. They couldn't waste time now Rufus was back lurking.

"What if this is the key to playing Senet?" Fabian suggested tapping the board and looking at them all.

"Okay, even the Frobisher's weren't that cheesy," Camilla spoke up.

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