Chapter 6

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“Hey, Allie,” Mike said. “You taken up a real sport yet?”

Have you learned proper English yet? I thought before actually answering him.

“You can criticize my sport when you can do it, Newton,” I said, walking over to Bella and Angela.

“Oh, please. It can't be that hard,” he said.

“Okay, do a toe touch,” I said, knowing full well that he would get hurt if he even tried.

“Jokes on you. I don't even know what that is,” he said. I walked away from the van, making sure I had enough space that I wouldn't kick anything. I jumped perfectly, hitting the toe touch, and landing on the balls of my feet.

“That's not that hard,” Mike said. He tried, and landed carelessly before falling to the ground and grabbing himself. I scoffed at him and rolled my eyes as he rolled on the ground a little.

“I think I pulled something,” he said, causing me to laugh.

“That's what I thought,” I said. I walked over to Bella and leaned against Tyler's van.

“How long are you staying?” I asked, running a hand through my hair as I sighed a little louder than intended.

“I don't know,” she said. Her attitude was going to drive me up the wall.

“See ya. I'm going to bum a ride home off of Jake,” I said, walking away.

“Yeah, make sure Dad doesn't catch you two in bed,” she snickered, causing her friends to laugh. I would've been able to ignore her and walk away, but her friends laughter tipped me over the edge and I lost control of my anger.

“Maybe I'll just call Dad up and let him know you're down here hanging out with Tyler,” I said.

“Go for it. He won't care,” she said.

“He might care that you're hanging around someone who almost killed you,” I said, becoming increasingly angrier with her.

“Well, at least I'm not a slut cheerleader,” Bella said.

“Seriously, shut the fuck up, you wish you had half the athleticism I have,” I said.

“No, because I don't need to be flexible to get a guy into my bed,” she said.

“That's because no guys are getting into your bed,” I said.

“Aimes, babe,” Jake called, drawing the attention away from Bella and I as he jogged over to us.

“Why's he call you babe if you aren't fucking?” Bella asked.

“Bella, Jake and I have been friends for years. We aren't sleeping together,” I said.

“Bella, screw off,” Jake said, wrapping his arms around me and leading me back towards his house. I could feel the tears brimming in my eyes, causing my cheeks to become red and blotchy. I'm not a pretty crier, so I hate crying in front of anyone.

“Shh, babe. It's okay,” Jake said.

“I'm gonna punch her in the face,” I said, curling into Jake's side more. I wiped frantically at my tears in attempt to get them to stop, but nothing was working.

“No you're not. Charlie would not allow that,” he said.

“I hate it when you're right,” I said.

He laughed at me before walking me to his car and driving me home. As he drove, he played crappy 2000s pop music way too loud. We jammed out anyways, just enjoying ourselves and the time together. We've always enjoyed acting like idiots when were together.

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