Chapter 26

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"Alessandra, wake up," Billy said, causing me to tense at the sudden noise and the fact that there was an arm around me.

"Yeah, I'm up," I said, sitting up and shivering at the sudden cold air.

"Becca made breakfast," he said. "I'll sit with Jake until Cullen shows up."

"Thank you for everything Billy," I said.

"You're always welcome here hon," he said. "I'm just happy Quil got him to come to his senses."

"Me too," I said, running my hands through my hair before throwing it up in a messy bun. I headed down to the kitchen where Becca was standing over the stove, making eggs.  I sat down at the breakfast bar, watching Becca dance a little to the music that was playing. I giggled slightly and she tensed.

"I thought you were Paul," she said, sighing as she realized it was in fact me at the breakfast bar.

"Nope, just me, looking for some food," I said. "What's going on with you and Paul anyways?"

"He's my boyfriend," she said. I nodded, not truly caring about whether or not she was dating him.

"I was just curious," I said. "I feel so out of the loop about what's going on here it isn't even funny."

"You'll be back in the loop soon," she said, sitting a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast.

"Mm, I hope so," I said.

"You're the one who only drinks iced coffee, right?" Becca asked.

"Yeah, I prefer iced coffee. Why?" I asked, genuinely confused by the question.

"How does hot cocoa sound then?" She asked.

"I'd love some cocoa," I said. I ate quietly, listening to Becca talk about anything and everything. She was always like this, talking about whatever came to mind.

"Hey, Bec, you here?" Paul asked.

"In the kitchen," she said.

"Hey Allie," Paul said as he walked in.

"Hi," I said, nodding a little at him. He walked over and kissed Becca quickly.

"How's Jake?" He asked, looking to me for an answer.

"He looked a lot better this morning," I said. "He's still sleeping though."

"Doc Cullen will be here soon," he said. I nodded, feeling more anxious suddenly.

"Hey, Allie, look, Carlisle is the best doctor in the town. Jake is going to be just fine. I promise," he said.

"I'm going to hold you to that Paul," I said.

"I hope you do," he said. I smiled, feeling a bit of relief, but not much.

Paul and Becca started to talk quietly to each other as I finished up eating. I headed back to Jake's room, wanting to be with him.

"Alessandra, he needs you more than anything," Billy said, not looking away from Jake as he spoke.

"I know he does. I'm going to stay as long as I can," I said.

"I know. There's things you need to know before you get attached again," Billy said.

"What's that mean?" I asked, sitting down at the foot of the bed.

"Jake will explain when he wakes up," Billy said.

"Why does everyone keep telling me that Jake will explain? Why doesn't someone just explain it to me?" I asked.

"Jake will. I promise. No one else can," Billy said.

"I guess that will work," I said. There was some crazy ruckus outside the window, causing me to tense.

"Boys," Sam snapped. I relaxed as I realized that it was just the guys.

"Excuse me," Doctor Cullen said, walking into the room. "I'm just going to take the drip down. He's doing much better than I thought he would be."

"Yeah, Allie helped," Billy said.

"All I did was stay with him," I said. Doctor Cullen walked over to Jake, checking his bones that had been rebroken last night. Afterwards, he took the IV from Jake's arm and talked to Billy for a few moments before leaving with a promise to return that night.

Alessandra Mae Swan || A Jacob Black Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now