Chapter 63

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"Babe, we'll be back in a few," Jake said, walking up behind me as I mixed the brownie batter I was making.

"Mhmm, I'm sure," I said, rolling my eyes. He kissed my cheek gently before I turned slightly and kissed him goodbye.

The house fell silent as the group headed out to break off from Sam's pack before he dragged them all off to God knows where to do God knows what for those freaking leeches.

The silence was amazing and most definitely something I'd been craving for a while. I took a few deep breaths as I continued to make the batter. I stood in the kitchen looking out the window and enjoying the peace and serenity of the moment.

As much as I love Jake and the pack, I need time away from them all. I do truly love them dearly, but the chaos of their world is a lot to handle sometimes. I finished the brownie batter and placed it in the oven, deciding to head to the living room and relax. I laid on the couch, my blanket thrown haphazardly over my legs to protect them from the slight chill of the December air.

I sat scrolling through my phone for close to twenty minutes when the oven went off and I had to go fetch the brownies. I placed them on the stove top and turned the oven off before there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I yelled,wiping my hands.

"It's Riley," the Deputy said. I steadied myself and walked over to the door with my head held high, hoping that this wasn't what I was expecting. I couldn't lose my dad this young. I refused to live with my incubator and I sure as hell will never leave behind my family that's here in Forks.

"Hi Riley," I said, opening the door and ushering him in out of the snow.

"Hey Allie. Um, I'm supposed to start with he's okay, but your dad was shot. The ambulance picked him up and already has him on his way to the ER."

"Let's go then," I said, slipping some boots on.

"He, um, he's probably going to be in surgery for a few hours," Riley said.

"I don't care," I said, sliding a jacket on. "I'm going to be there for him. Sue and I are all he has left. She's at work already. I'll call my siblings en route."

"Alright, let's go," he said. I headed out to the cruiser he was driving and got into the front seat. I dialed Seth's phone number without luck.

"Hey Seth, it's Allie. So, um, I'm on my way to the hospital. Dad was shot while he was at work. I don't know how bad things are yet. I'll keep you updated though. Love you bro."

I hung up and dialed Jake's number, hoping he'd answer. Of course, he didn't.

"Hey baby. Um, so my dad was shot while at work. He's okay. I'm headed to the hospital right now, so I'm sure I'll be there when you get this. I love you. Don't worry about us. You've got enough on your plate I just didn't want you to freak out when I wasn't home."

Finally, I called Leah, hoping that she'd answer, and luckily she did.

"Hey girl, what's up?" She asked.

"Um Dad was shot. Can you, Seth, and Jake meet me at the hospital please?" I asked.

"Yeah, how's he doing?" She asked.

"Um, okay as far as I know," I said.

"We'll be there as soon as we can," she said. The hospital came into view and my anxiety started to take control of my body.

Dad had to be okay. I couldn't live without him. It's always been just the two of us and no idiot with a gun could change that.

Or could they?

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