Chapter 36

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"Miss Swan," someone said.

"Hi, Riley," I said, looking up at the deputy who was talking to me. I was wrapped in Jake's hoodie instead of wearing it like I was earlier.

"I need a full report," he said. I nodded and started telling him what happened.

"Well, the principal announced an active shooter on campus," I said. "We barricaded the door. I took attendance because we had a sub. I sent the email, went back to my spot along the wall, and sent two texts. One to my dad and one to Jake. He's a friend from the Rez. Uh, I heard someone breaking down the door to the next room over. Then ten gunshots," I said.

"Did you count them?" He asked.

"Yeah. Ten shots and then, Scott Adams started asking where I was," I said.

"Yeah, we heard him too. That's why the SWAT guys kept asking for you whenever they cleared a room," he said.

"Someone tried to calm him down then he fired off three more shots. I heard him go back into the hallway and pull the fire alarm. Then I just started praying to whatever deity would listen," I said.

"Then?" He prompted.

"Then, after what I assume to be a rather long time, I heard SWAT come in, ask for me, radio Dad, and lead us out here," I said. He nodded and moved on to the next kid.

I grabbed for my phone before I saw Jake pull up in his Rabbit. I had been told not to go anywhere. That included to see Jake. I saw his tear stained cheeks and knew this was as hard on him as it was on me.

"Where is she?" He asked Charlie. I could see the genuine fear in his eyes.

"She's safe Jake. I'm going to have you take her home as soon as I can because her car can't be moved for a while," Dad said.

"When can I see her?" He asked.

"Soon," Dad said. I sat down on the ground, waiting for us to be dismissed. Eventually, probably twenty, maybe thirty, minutes later, SWAT brought the last group of kids out of the school. The police talked to all of them before starting to release us to our parents.

"Hey, Allie," Hadley said, running over to me. "Hey, so I know this is gonna sound really bad, but can I maybe get a ride home?"

"Where are your parents, Had?" I asked, hugging her gently.

"I, um, live with my grandma and I know she's worried sick, but I can't get my car out of here," she said.

"I can ask my Dad," I said.

"Thank you," she said, hugging me tightly.

"Anytime," I said.

"Alessandra Mae," I snapped up at the sound of Jake's voice.

"C'mon," I said, still holding Hadley. She was finally starting to pull back together, but she was still scared. She had, however, made a lot more progress on being calmed down than I had.

"Jake," I said, walking up to him and my father.

"God, Aimes," he said, pulling me into his arms gently. "Don't ever worry me like that again."

"Yeah, I'll just drop out of school and never leave my house again," I said sarcastically. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his chest. It was weird that he had a shirt on for once, but I held him close to me anyways.

"I'm sorry babe," he said, kissing my temple. "I'm just worried about you. The guys are too."

"Let Quil and Emb know I'm alive," I said. He laughed at me before Dad pushed him out of the way and pulled me into a hug.

"Thank God you're okay," he said. If I didn't know better, I would've thought he was holding it all together really well. But, I could tell he was on the brink of tears by the way he held me like was a baby all over again.

"I'm okay, Dad. I'm alive and safe. Jake will look out for me so you can handle this stuff," I said, hugging him tightly.

"Who's this?" He asked, looking at Hadley as he finally let me go.

"Dad, this is Hadley. Had, this is my dad," I said. "And that's my boyfriend, Jake."

"Hi," she said, waving slightly.

"Hadley, are your parents here?" He asked. She shook her head no. "Is there someone we can call to get you?"

"Um, can we give her a ride home?" I asked.

"I got it, don't worry about it Charlie," Jake said.

"Are you sure?" He asked. Jake nodded and my dad pulled me into another hug.

"Jake's gonna stay with you til I can get home," he said.

"Don't rush. You need to deal with this so we can be safe here again," I said.

"I love you," he said.

"Love you too, Dad," I said. I left with Jake and Hadley.

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