Chapter 18

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"Come on," Quil said, dragging me down to the waters edge. I was shivering under my hoodie, but Quil wanted to be in the water. There was no way I was changing his mind on the matter.

"It's too cold for that Quil. You know it," I said, pulling away from him as he tried to get me in the water.

"Awe, come on," he said. "You're gonna hurt my feelings."

"No. You will get over it," I said. "Plus, I will literally freeze my ass off if I get in that water."

"Come on Allie," he pouted.

"No, Quilly," I said. He tried to give me puppy eyes, but they didn't work. I was immune to them after all these years as friends.

"Fine, don't get in the water," he said, crossing his arms in one last ditch effort to get me to join him.

"I'm not going to Quil," I said.

"But Allie," he whined. I went to answer him when I was cut off by a sharp voice from down the beach a little ways.

"Jacob, Embry, no," Sam snapped. My eyes snapped up at the harsh voice, meeting Jake's eyes in an instant.

He looked rough, but okay. He'd cut his hair off, gained an insane amount of muscle mass, and gotten a tattoo since the last time I'd seen him. If we had been closer together, I probably would've forgiven him in an instant. Thankfully, due to the distance between us, I could continue to hold on to my anger until he apologized for replacing me.

I held his gaze for a while, hoping he'd man up and talk to me. He didn't.

About thirty seconds passed before he ripped his eyes from mine and took off into the woods, the other guys close behind him.

"That was super weird, right?" Quil asked. He was still looking at the spot where Embry had been standing previously.

"Insanely weird," I said.

"I'm really sorry hon. I didn't think they'd be here," Quil said, walking back on to the sandy beach.

"No, it's not your fault. They have every right to be here. Just like us," I said.

"Do you feel better?" He asked.

"Not really, but thanks for trying Quil," I said.

"Of course Allie," he said.

We stayed at the beach a little while longer before deciding it was safe to go back to my place and finish the movie.

"Okay, that movie was actually really good," Quil said.

"Told you it would be," I mumbled, half asleep. I had my head on his shoulder as his arm wrapped around my shoulders.

"When was the last time you ate, Allie?" He asked.

"The cookies," I said.

"Let's go get some food. I'm starving," he said. I wiped my eyes tiredly, hoping he'd notice and just let me sleep.

"Or, I could get Bella to go have lunch with me," he said.

"Not even funny," I said, glaring at him as I stood up.

"It was a joke Allie," he said.

"Not a funny one," I said. I headed into the kitchen, making us a late lunch. Quil sat in the kitchen, making random dumb remarks at me every so often. After we ate, his mom called to let him know she was on her way to pick him up for some family thing.

"Are you going to be okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine Quil. Don't worry about me," I said.

"Even with Bella here?" He asked.

"Quil, I'm a big girl. Go with your mother," I said, practically forcing him out the door. He nodded before leaving. Little did either of us know, that was the last time we'd see each other before everything changed.

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