Chapter 15

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“Hey Allie, Jake has mono. Wanna go do something?” Bella asked. It's been two days since the movie incident and this is the first time that Bella's even talked to me.

“Nope,” I said, pushing my hair out of my face as I continued to make the cookies I was working on.

“When are you going to get over yourself?” She asked.

“When you get over Cullen,” I said. “Face it. You're using Jake to try and fill the void that abusive asshole left.”

"Jake is my best friend. In case you haven't noticed, I need one," she said.

"He was my friend first. You swooped in here and stole him right out from under me," I said.

“Jake and I are just friends,” she said.

“Never said you were anything more,” I said.

“Alessandra, talk to me,” she said.

“Leave me alone,” I said. She took off out the door into the downpour. I had no idea where she was going, but I doubted I wanted to be on the receiving end of her anger today.

I finished the cookies, putting them in the oven before cleaning the counter and texting Quil. He'd taken it upon himself to be my new best friend when Jake ditched me for Bella. That and he needed someone to fill the slot that Embry had left open when he joined Sam and his “cult.”

"Did I hear yelling down here?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, Bella and I. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you," I said.

"No, it's fine. Especially since there's chocolate chip cookies involved," he said, glancing at the oven.

"Um, can Quil come down. He bought some new movie and he wants me to watch it with him," I said.

"So you and Quil Atera the, what is he? Like fourth?" Dad asked.

"He's the fifth, and no. Quil and I are just friends," I said.

"What about Jake?" Dad asked.

"He has mono," I said. "So I probably won't ever talk to him again because when Em got mono a couple weeks ago, he cut us all out of his life."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I am glad that you still have Quil, so I don't care if Quil comes down to watch a movie. I'm going to watch the game at Harry's anyways," Dad said.

"Mm, tell Leah I said hi," I said.

"Yes ma'am," he said jokingly. I rolled my eyes at him dramatically as I texted Quil that he could come hang out.

"I'm going to go shower. Save me some cookies if that boy shows up before I'm done," Dad said. I laughed at him some, but didn't think anything of it.

"I'm serious. You might as well set aside like a dozen and I'll just taken them with me," he said.

"I will," I said, thankful that I'd made two dozen instead of one. I was sure I'd have to make brownies or something like that within the next few days also.

It was quiet except for the drumming of the rain on the roof of the house. It gave me a sense of peace so I could order my thoughts. My brain runs a million miles a minute, so sometimes I have to slow down and basically meditate so I could figure everything out.

I miss Jake and want him back in my life more than anything. He's been by my side through everything. Heck, he's even gone to every school dance with me because no other guys dared go near me except Quil and Embry.

On the other hand, Quil is the one that's still by my side. He has stuck with me through Embry's disappearance and now Jake's. Quil's been the one holding me together, and maybe that wasn't so bad.

Alessandra Mae Swan || A Jacob Black Love StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum