Chapter 32

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"Hello my darling Alessandra," Renee said, walking over to Jake and I. Luckily, he had a tight grip on my hand so that I didn't do anything I might regret. Unfortunately, the same wasn't true about my mouth. There was no controlling what I decided to say at that point in time.

"I'm not your darling anything," I said. I refrained from making a comment about the fact that her boy toy, or husband I guess he is, wasn't with her. He's nearly ten years younger than her, and apparently I'm the only one that finds that odd.

"Yes you are dear. I am, after all, your mother," she said. Her voice reminded me of one of those annoying evil step mother voices.

"You may have given birth to me, but I don't recall you helping raise me, and you sure as hell weren't around enough to make you my mother," I said.

"See dear, that's not how this works," she said.

"One, don't see dear me," I said, growing more annoyed with her by the second. "And, two, Sarah and Sue are more mother's to me than you will ever be."

"I see Charlie didn't do such a great job raising you. Let's hope he didn't ruin my precious Bella too," she said.

"You leave Dad out of this. He's an amazing parent who deserves a hell of a lot more credit than he gets. Plus, he was at least here for me," I said.

She slapped me across the face. No one ever lays a hand on me without my permission, so I jumped towards her instinctively.

"Alessandra Mae," Jake said, using his dumb Alpha voice that works on me although it shouldn't.

"Let me go," I said, fighting against his arms as he pulled me into his chest.

"No can do baby," he said, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

"How bad is it?" I asked, feeling the stinging in my cheek get worse as I touched it.

"Oh, it's red," he said. "Seth went to get Carlisle because she hit right by your eye and I wanna make sure you're okay."

"I'll be fine babe," I said, kissing his cheek, but he didn't believe me and waited there for Carlisle anyways.

"What happened? I can see the red mark from across the driveway," Carlisle said.

"I got slapped and someone wouldn't let me defend myself," I said.

"You'll be okay, but I see why Jake was worried. Her nails came quite close to your eye. She didn't hurt your eye, but there might be some scratching and redness for the next few days," he said.

"Awesome. So when school starts in a few days everyone will think I'm abused," I said.

"No they won't baby," Jake said. "Everything will be fine. I promise you."

"I know it will, but still," I said, shrugging my shoulders slightly.

"If you'd like, you may take your seats. We will start in a few minutes," Carlisle said.

"Thanks," I said, nodding to him politely as he walked away.

"Let's go find some seats," Jake said. He turned to his father and Seth and Sue before leading us over to the ceremony area. As we walked past, I briefly heard Mike Newton say something about me and was half tempted to turn and hit him, but decided against it because it wasn't his fault I was angry.

Alessandra Mae Swan || A Jacob Black Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now