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"Will we be best friends forever, Elijah?" I ask.

"Of course. Why wouldn't we?" He replies.

We're laying on the ground in the park. He's laying 'behind' me with the top of his head touching mine. He's been through a lot in the past few weeks. He's just graduated from university and created his company. That took a lot of money and energy out of him. Tomorrow he's making the move to Detroit, Michigan. He says property is cheaper there. I'm still finishing high school, even though we're the same age. I'm not a genius like him.

"I won't be able to see you as often... You'll be off being successful and stuff. I'm going to be here doing pretty much nothing until I even GET to university. I just..." I trail off as I see him reaching his hand upward. I reach up as well and he takes my hand.

"Sky, I promise on everything I've worked for, we will always be best friends. I'll never get bored of you or forget you. Don't you worry, ok?" He says.

"I trust you...-" I bolt upright.

I look around me and realize it was a dream. A flashback dream? It's been happening so much lately. Memories of Elijah keep invading my thoughts.

He lied to me... He did forget. He did get bored.

I haven't heard from him since that day. After he moved away he was gone. Not a call, postcard, anything.

I shake off my thoughts and look around my room. I've just moved to Detroit with some friends. We're all sharing a house together. Today I'm looking for work. I've applied to several companies for a journalist position. I'm going to follow up with them.

My door opens slightly and a blonde head pokes through.

"Knock knock!" She says. She's always so chipper in the morning. I, on the other hand, need a million cups of coffee.

"Yo, Jazzy. How do you have a full face of makeup on already? It's 7 A.M." I ask, playfully.

"Oh shut up, you. Aren't you doing follow up today? Shouldn't you be getting ready?" She asks, coming in.

"I keep reliving old memories in my dreams. It's annoying." I tell her. She'd understand. She was one of the few people there for me when Elijah left. Now she's a successful business woman. She lives with us because she hates being alone and prefers to surround herself with as many people as possible. I don't judge.

"Memories of Elijah?" She asks. I nod.

"We're in Detroit now. Why don't you take the day off stressing about work and go talk to him? I can get you his address in like seconds flat." She says.

"Man, remind me to never piss you off, creep." I reply. She laughs.

"You could always work for me. We could always use PR journalists." She says.

"I'll think about it." I tell her, getting up to leave the room.

"Go see him. You at least need closure." She says.

"From what I've heard he doesn't take visitors." I reply.

"You're not just any visitor are you?" She says, smiling.

Fine. I'll attempt to go see him.

But only to get Jazzy off my back. She'll never shut up about it unless I do what she says.

Maybe it'll stop the dreams as well.

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