Out of Town

388 13 14

(Kamski's POV)

Detroit is under curfew now. It was announced last night. Sky is getting anxious about it. She's afraid innocent people will get hurt. I'm sure everything will be fine. Well, almost sure.

Sky left to run some errands. There's an android revolution happening outside all of the android camps. It's passed curfew and she hasn't made it back. I'm only slightly worried because I know there are checkpoints all over the city.

I distract myself from my worry by working on updating existing programs and improving upon anything I can. But after a while I start getting more and more worried.

And then all Hell breaks loose.

An explosion so huge I could feel the reverberations from here.


I have to find her. Then we're evacuating. I had no idea the androids would detonate a fucking bomb. Probably a dirty bomb too. I have to get her out.

I run to the door and I come face to face with the new Chloe.

"I'll pack your things Elijah. I hope the best for you and Sky. Your stuff will be ready when you get back." She says. I hug her and thank her.

I run out and jump in the car to go find her. The first place I decide look is her house.

My heart drops as I turn onto her street.

The entire neighborhood is destroyed, including her house. Her car is in front of it, unscathed. She must have gotten her after the explosion. I pull up beside her car and fine her curled up in a ball next to her car. I get out and run to her side. She's sobbing. Is she hurt?

"Elijah... they were home... Juan, George, Jazzy..." She sobs. Oh no. Oh fuck.

"We need to get you out of the city. It's irradiated." I say quietly. I pick her up and put her in my car. I get in the driver's seat and start heading home to get our stuff.

"Today was Jazzy's birthday... There's a cake in my car... I was bringing it to her." She says, her voice cracking. Why didn't I know about that? Probably because I ruin happy parties with my disdain for people.

"I'm going to get us out of town, Sky. I'm going to get us to safety." I tell her.

"You said there was nothing to worry about..." She says quietly.

"I know. I fucked up. I had no idea they'd get their hands on a fucking radioactive bomb. I'm sorry." I respond. I feel like an asshole. I should have been more careful. I should have thought more into it.

We pull up in my driveway and Gavin is waiting there. I get out, instructing Sky to stay in the car. She says nothing but doesn't move. I walk over to Gavin and see that he's been crying.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I... thought you'd died. Elijah I'm so scared..." He says. I can't just leave him here. Maybe after all this we'll finally be a fucking family.

"Go get in my car. Sky is in there already. We're getting out of town. Come with us." I tell him. He looks up at me with the sad eyes he used to give me as a kid when he wanted to apologize but couldn't find the words. I hug him. "I forgive you, Gav, for everything. Now get in the car."

He nods and heads to the car. I look over to check on Sky and notice she crawled to the back seat. Whatever works I guess.

I run in to get our stuff and Chloe is there holding two large bags.

"Thank you so much, Chloe. You'll be joining us, right?" I ask. Why wouldn't she?

"No, Elijah. I'm staying here. I want to help other androids be free. Markus failed... but I want to help, maybe pick up where he left off." She says. I look back at her and see the determination in her eyes. I nod and she smiles. We say our goodbyes and promise to see each other again someday.

I run back to the car and put out stuff in the back seat next to Sky. She looks up at me but her eyes are blank. She has no emotion on her face. I lean down and kiss her forehead and she gives a small smile.

"Everything will be alright. I promise." I tell her. She just nods.

I get into the driver's seat again and we pull out of the driveway. I know just the place to escape to.

I'm never going to let anything happen to her again. And now I have Gavin too. My brother... Only a year younger but always my baby brother.

Sometimes I hate him, but never truly.

Gavin is my only family. I was a terrible son and a terrible older brother as a kid.

I'm getting a do over with him. And I have the love of my life in the backseat, traumatized.

I wish I was better with people.

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