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(Skylar's POV)

His bastard little brother lied to him...

All this time he thought I hated him... While I thought he got bored and forgot me. But in reality Gavin fucking Reed told him I was shit talking him... I'm gonna kill that shithead!

"Why would he lie to me? I don't doubt you I just... Don't understand why he did it."

"The day you left he asked me out. I told him to shove it. Can you take a guess from there?" I tell him.

"I... Sky I am SO sorry. I had no idea... I wish I'd talked to you about it. I'm an idiot. Could you ever forgive me?" He asks. He looks so sad. And pissed. Maybe we'll bond over beating Gavin.

"Yeah you are an idiot. I forgive you though. It isn't really your fault." I tell him. He puts his head in his hands. I put my arm around him and scoot closer to him. "Don't beat yourself up. Beat up your brother. It's healthier." I say. He snorts.

"I think assaulting an officer is a felony." He says, taking his head out of his hands.

"An officer? Of what? Douchebagery?" I ask. He laughs.

"He's a DPD detective." He replies.

"Holy shit really? Did all of us move to Detroit?" I ask.

"I was first. You guys copied me." He says, smirking.

"Oh my god." I shake my head. "Have you eaten dinner yet?" I ask.

"No not yet. I'm gonna eat at home though, don't worry." He says.

"You sure? We have plenty." I tell him.

"No... I should be heading home anyway. It's getting late." He says, standing.

"Oh... Okay. Um, I feel weird asking but, like, am I going to see you again? Or was this the closure we needed?" I ask. I stand and walk with him to the door.

"I hope to see you again, if you'd have me. I would love having you back in my life. I... missed you, Sky." He says.

"Are you going to let me in if I come by?" I ask.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I'll let Chloe know." He says.

"Chloe is her name? She's beautiful by the way. Great work." I tell him.

"One: You can't date my android-" He starts.

"Damn." I say, sarcastically. I laugh as he shakes his head.

"Two: Chloe was the first android to pass the turing test." He says.

"Oh shit that's cool. I'll come by tomorrow at some point. We have A LOT of catching up to do." I tell him.

"Twenty years..." He says.

We both say goodbye as he leaves. I wanted to hug him but I have no idea where we stand. He's really grown into himself. He used to be so goofy and awkward looking, but still adorable. I had a crush on him since I was a kid until he left. I didn't want to make things awkward if he didn't feel the same.

Now he's... a super beautiful man. Never did I imagine Elijah Kamski would look this good. Maybe I could make a move now? Less to lose if I do.

What am I thinking? He's the richest, smartest man in the world.


Alive at least.

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